The All Age Continuing Care (AACC) Co-Production group has been working together to promote client engagement and co-production since 2018 with extremely positive results. We have also seen the set-up of the wider Working Together Group in 2019 with the aim to expand collaborative working.

“The importance of co-production in improving customer service outcomes for disabled people cannot be overstated. Working with the team on Continuing Health Care and personal health budgets projects in a co-productive way has been fulfilling."

- Iain Speed, AACC Co-Production Team Member, Managing Director of All Inclusive CIC and PEP Member.

What is Co-Production in Health and Social Care?

Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) defines Co-Production as:“working in equal partnership with people using services, carers, families and citizens. Co-production offers the chance to transform social care and health provision to a model that that offers people real choice and control.”

What have the AACC Co-Production Team been working on?

Over the past year The Co-Production group have been looking in detail at the NHS AACC service and have identified key areas for improvement, including, access to accurate and up to date information, as well as improving the review process for those with Personal Health Budgets.The group have been able to produce a series of information booklets to support our clients through the NHS AACC process and are also working to redesign the information available on our website.

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