What is NHS-funded Nursing Care (FNC)?
NHS-funded Nursing Care (FNC) is money provided by the NHS to care homes with nursing to help cover the cost of nursing care given by a registered nurse. This can include planning your care, providing treatment, or managing specific tasks. FNC is not means-tested, meaning your income or savings do not affect whether you qualify. It applies whether you pay for your care yourself or your local authority does.
Who can get NHS-funded Nursing Care?
You might be eligible for FNC if:
- You are not eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare.
- A nurse is needed to support your care.
- A care home with nursing is the best place to meet your overall needs.
How do you get assessed for NHS-funded Nursing Care?
To receive FNC, you must first be assessed to check if you qualify for NHS Continuing Healthcare, which could cover all your care home fees. This assessment usually happens if:
- Your health suddenly worsens.
- You are being discharged from the hospital.
- Your nursing needs are reviewed while living in a care home.
- You can also ask for an assessment by speaking to your care home manager, GP, or care worker.
What is the assessment process for care funding?
Your care needs are reviewed by a team of professionals to determine if you have a "primary health need."
If you don’t qualify for NHS Continuing Healthcare, the local Integrated Care Board (ICB) will assess whether you’re eligible for Funded Nursing Care (FNC). If FNC is awarded, the funding is usually paid directly to the nursing home, rather than to the individual.
When does NHS-funded Nursing Care stop?
FNC payments may stop if:
- You go into hospital (you’ll receive free nursing care there, but may still need to pay your care home to keep your place).
- You no longer need nursing care.
- You become eligible for fully funded NHS Continuing Healthcare which incorporate your nursing needs.