NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) receives requests for a wide range of information. Available from our disclosure log are those requests that NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight believe may be of wider public interest or contain information that is frequently requested. Personal details such as names and addresses are redacted to protect requestor’s privacy.

Information containing statistics relating to the activity of NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care in England can be found here. Categories of activity covered are: eligibility, referrals, conversion rates, local resolutions and decision support tools.

Information containing statistics relating to the activity of NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) can be found here. Categories of activity covered are: caseload, Personal Health Budget

Please note: Information contained in any of the documents available was correct at the time of the response but may now be out of date and should not be relied upon.

Continuing Healthcare

  1. Please confirm if your Integrated Care Board operates on a Continuing Healthcare framework with a single rate, and confirm the rate and any criteria relevant to this rate, and confirm the uplift applied to this framework rate for the period 2024/25.
  2. If your Integrated Care Board places Continuing Healthcare residents outside of a Continuing Healthcare framework with a single rate, please confirm the rates and any criteria relevant to this rate, and confirm the uplift applied to this rate for the period 2024/25.
  3. Please provide a copy of any letter or letters sent to care providers communicating Continuing Healthcare uplifts made by your Integrated Care Board.
  4. As of 31 March 2024, how many individuals were your Integrated Care Board funding for Continuing Healthcare in Registered Older Persons Nursing Homes? (inclusive of Fast Track)
  5. Regarding the NHS England Payment Scheme Principle that the Integrated Care Board’s approach must:‘promote transparency and good data quality to improve accountability and encourage the sharing of best practice’
  6. Please share the calculations, or methodology used by the Integrated Care Board to outline how  this principle is being met.
  7. Regarding the NHSE Payment Scheme Principle that the Integrated Care Board’s approach must:‘engage constructively with each other when trying to agree payment approaches’
  8. Please outline how providers were engaged in the decision that resulted in an annual review or uplift.
  9. Please provide the appropriate named contact details (Including: title, email address, phone number and address )

NHS Continuous Care

  1. How many patients are moved out from their care home once the NHS Continuous Care has been granted for them?
  2. How many patients are moved out their care home and area once NHS continuous care has been granted? 
  3. How many Dementia patients get granted with NHS Continuous Care. Can this be broken down in types of dementia too?
  4. How many patients who have been on social services care get moved from their care home once NHS continuous care has been granted? 

Fast-Track NHS Continuing Healthcare

  1. How many people receiving fast-track NHS continuing healthcare had their funding reviewed through an assessment?
  2. How many werefound no longer eligible for fast-track funding?
  3. How many were provided with NHS-funded nursing care?
  4. How many were remained eligible for funding?

Continuing Healthcare Multidisciplinary Team Recommendations

  1. Percentage of recommendations by an Multidisciplinary Team that awarded full Continuing Healthcare that were ultimately downgraded by the Integrated Care Board (not at an Independent Review Panel) to Funded Nursing Care, a joint package of care or not eligible
  2. Percentage of recommendations by an Multidisciplinary Team that stated a case was not eligible, Funded Nursing Care or joint package of care was ultimately upgraded by the Integrated Care Board to full Continuing Healthcare eligibility

Continuing Healthcare Assessments

  1. How many Continuing Healthcare assessments led to a recommendation of eligibility and how many did not?

Previously Unassessed Periods of Care Claims and Assessments

  1. How many people in receipt of Fast Track Continuing Healthcare assessments have been reassessed and how many have been found not eligible for Continuing Healthcare?
  2. How many people in receipt of standard NHS Continuing Healthcare have been reassessed and how many have been found no longer eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding?
  3. How many requests have been received for Previously Unassessed Periods of Care assessments?
  4. How many Previously Unassessed Periods of Care cases have been completed by or on behalf of the Integrated Care Board?
  5. How many Previously Unassessed Periods of Care cases are still open?  
  6. How many of the cases referred to in [3] above have been successful, (i.e. redress paid)?
  7. How many Previously Unassessed Periods of Care cases are waiting for redress (eligibility awarded and redress to be made)?
  8. Please provide the total amount paid in redress to claimants.

Continuing Healthcare Funding Assessment Criteria

  1. Please can I have the details as to how the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board Continuing Healthcare use the 4 characteristics of “Nature”, “Intensity”, “Complexity” and “Unpredictability” in a quantitative and qualitative manner within the assessment criteria for the Continuing Healthcare funding assessment procedure.

Continuing Healthcare Funded Homecare

  1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for packages of homecare for adults aged 18-65.
  2. Please provide the number of adults in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funded care packages (number of care packages commenced in the year)
  3. Of those adults in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funded care packages (q.2), please provide the number that were homecare packages for adults (number of care packages commenced in the year).
  4. Of those adults in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funded homecare packages (q.3), please provide the number that were processed through the fast track system (this is often related to end of life care packages).
  5. Of those adults in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funded care packages (q.2), please provide the number that are in receipt of personal health budgets.
  6. Please provide the ICB’s total gross expenditure on continuing healthcare funded packages.
  7. Please provide the ICB’s total gross expenditure on continuing healthcare funded homecare packages.
  8. Please provide the cost of the lowest, mean and highest value Continuing Healthcare funded homecare packages.
  9. Please provide a list of the 10 providers who received the greatest amount of funding from Continuing Healthcare funded homecare packages.

Funded Healthcare

  1. What is your total adult patient funded healthcare caseload, as at the end of June 2023? 
  2. How many of your adult funded care reviews are overdue?
  3. Can you please provide a name and contact details for your Continuing Care lead/Head of Service? 

Continuing Helathcare

  1. How many people, including children, in your Integrated Care Board have been awarded a Continuing Health Care budget in the most recent financial year and how many of these have taken up a Personal health Budget?

Provision of NHS Continuing Healthcare Packages

  1. Who is responsible for managing Continuing Healthcare services within your Integrated Care Board? Please provide the job title/role of the officer(s) responsible, their name, and appropriate contact details.
  2. Who is responsible for undertaking Continuing Healthcare assessments for your Integrated Care Board? Please provide the job title/role of the officer(s) responsible, their name, and appropriate contact details. If this function is outsourced, please confirm the name of the subcontractor(s).
  3. Who is responsible for determining the eligibility for Continuing Healthcare services for your Integrated Care Board? Please provide the job title/role of the officer(s) responsible, their name, and appropriate contact details.  If this function is outsourced, please confirm the name of the subcontractor(s).
  4. How many people does the Integrated Care Board currently fund Continuing Healthcare for?
  5. For the above, please provide a breakdown by age category, i.e. adult or child.
  6. For the above, please provide a breakdown of this expenditure by age category, i.e. adult or child.

Complex Care Commissioning Data

  1. Total number of adults approved as eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding for financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22. Please exclude fast track funding and include newly qualified only who received care at home.
  2. Total number of adults approved as eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding for financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22. Please exclude fast track funding and include newly qualified only who were placed in a nursing or residential setting.
  • the total number of these patients, who have been assessed as eligible for pathway 3 funding due to: having been assessed to have complex needs, and a high need for a package of care. a nursing or residential setting.
  1. Total number of children and young people approved as eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding for financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22. Please exclude fast track funding and include newly qualified only, who received care at home.
  • the total number of these patients, who have been assessed as eligible for pathway 3 funding due to: having been assessed to have complex needs, and a high need for a package of care.
  1. What is the Continuing Healthcare forecasted patient numbers for adults who will require Continuing Healthcare funded care in 2023/2024 and 2024/2025
  2. What is the Continuing Healthcare’s forecasted patient numbers for Children and young People who will require Continuing Healthcare Funded care in 2023/2024 and 2024/2025
  3. What is the percentage split of all Pathway 3 assessed patients

Continence Care

  1. Please outline the current approach across the Integrated Care Board for continence provision for both residential and nursing care home residents, and when was this last reviewed.

Standard and Fast-Track NHS Continuing Healthcare

  1. The number of assessments and the number of individuals eligible for standard and fast-track NHS continuing healthcare by age (e.g. date of birth) 
  2. The number of assessments and the number of individuals eligible for standard and fast-track NHS continuing healthcare by gender 
  3. The number of assessments and the number of individuals eligible for standard and fast-track NHS continuing healthcare by ethnicity 
  4. The number of assessments and the number of individuals eligible for standard and fast-track NHS continuing healthcare by patient diagnosis type 
  5. Please provide the number of people who – as of 31st March 2024 - were receiving NHS continuing healthcare funding in each of the locations listed below (In their own home, In a residential care home, In a hospice, In a nursing home, Other) 
  6. Please provide the number of people who – as of 31st March 2024 - were registered in the Integrated Care System and were receiving NHS continuing healthcare funding outside the area covered by the Integrated Care System. 
  7. Please provide total Integrated Care Board expenditure on NHS continuing healthcare from 2017-18 to the latest available in-year figure for 2023-24. 
  8. Please provide, from 2017-18 to the latest available in-year figure for 2023-24, NHS continuing healthcare expenditure broken down by:(Standard NHS continuing healthcare, Fast Track NHS continuing healthcare, NHS-funded nursing care)
  9. The number of requests made to your Integrated Care Board for an independent review panel following a local review upholding a decision of ineligibility for NHS continuing healthcare.
  10. The number of decisions of ineligibility for NHS continuing healthcare made by your Integrated Care Board that were overturned at the independent review panel. 
  11. The number of decisions of ineligibility for NHS continuing healthcare made by your Integrated Care Board that were upheld at the independent review panel

Continuing Healthcare Funded Placements

  1. The number of Continuing Healthcare funded placements in care homes in Hampshire and also outside of county
  2. The breakdown of Continuing Healthcare funded placements by age, diagnosis, gender.
  3. The average length of stay.
  4. The average cost of a Continuing Healthcare funded placement.
  5. The average cost of a complex dementia CHC funded placement.

Standard and Fast-Track NHS Continuing Healthcare

  1. Do you collect or hold data on assesments.
  2. Please provide the numbers for standard and fast-track continuing healthcare separately.
  3. Please provide total ICB expenditure on NHS continuing healthcare for 2023-24. 
  4. Where held, please provide, for 2023-24, NHS continuing healthcare expenditure.

Fast-Track Continuing Healthcare

  1. The number of cases referred to the NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (HIOWICB) for retrospective review under the Fast Track Continuing Healthcare (CHC) 

Continuing Healthcare Checklists

  1. How many Continuing Healthcare checklists were completed.
  2. Of these, how many were positive
  3. How many positive checklists were for residents who were in a Nursing home 
  4. How many positive checklists were for residents who were in a care home other than a nursing home 
  5. Of those under no 3, how many were granted Funded Nursing Care
  6. Of those under no 4, how many were granted Continuing Healthcare funding
  7. Of those under no 4, how many were flagged as potentially being eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding
  8. Of the remaining positive checklists (not in a nursing or care home), how many were granted Continuing Healthcare funding
  9. Of the remaining positive checklists (not in a nursing or care home), how many were flagged as being potentially eligible for Funded Nursing Care funding
  10. How many people were granted Funded Nursing Care without a full assessment for Continuing Healthcare being completed beforehand

Continuing Healthcare Funding Applications for Progressive Neuromuscular Conditions

  1. In the last twelve months, how many applications for Continuing Healthcare funding did the Integrated Care Board receive which evidenced progressive neuromuscular conditions?
  2. Out of these applications, how many were a) successful on initial application and b) successful on re-consideration?

Fast-Track Continuing Healthcare

  1. The number of cases referred to the NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board for Continuing Healthcare 
  2. The number of cases referred to the NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board for retrospective review under the Fast Track for

Continuing Healthcare

  1. How many adult patients received healthcare funded care at home in 2022-2023
  2. How many adult patients received nursing care or nurse led care at home in 2022-2023

Continuing Helathcare Funding Applications

  1. How many applications per month succeed on initial application?

Retrospective Continuing Healthcare Applications

  1. Please clarify the current number of Retrospective Continuing Healthcare applications that are awaiting assessment and Multidisciplinary panel. 


Children Continuing Healthcare

  1. Do you commission services that provide regular overnight breaks at home to enable parents or carers of children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions to sleep? 
  2. Please set out the criteria that children and young people in your Clinical Commissioning Group area must meet in order to access NHS children and young people’s continuing care(...) Please attach a copy of your criteria document or assessment document for children and young people’s Continuing Care.
  3. Please set out the number of children and young people your Clinical Commissioning Group has provided NHS children and young people’s continuing care packages to each year in the years 2017/18-2021/22 inclusive.
  4. Please set out the number of new NHS children and young people’s continuing care packages your Clinical Commissioning Group has awarded to children and young people in each of the years 2017/18-2021/22 inclusive
  5. Please set out how much money your Clinical Commissioning Group has spent on providing NHS children and young people’s continuing care each year in the years 2017/18-2021/22 inclusive.

Children’s Continuing Care

  1. Please can you provide information in relation to Hamshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board arrangements with Hampshire Council for funding care packages for children with additional health needs, covering Children’s Continuing Care funding and other shared funding arrangements. 

Children's Continuing Care

  1. Total Number of Children’s Continuing Care cases at the time of this request (Feb/Mar 2023) or most recent figures (Q3 2023/24)
  2. Total number of Children’s Continuing Care cases in the last financial year (2022/23)
  3. Total spend for Childrens Continuing Care cases in the last financial year (2022/23)

Children on Dynamic Support Register

  1. How many Dynamic Support Registers does your Integrated Care Board have and which areas do they cover?
  2. Do you delegate responsibility for the management of Dynamic Support Registers? If you do can you provide the name of the organisations you delegate this responsibility to for each area?
  3. How many children aged under 18 do you have on your Dynamic Support Register or Registers who are living in hospital?

- How many of these children have a Care, Education and Treatment Review?

- How many of these children have a young people’s Keyworker?

Children and Young People's Continuing Care

  1. How many assessments for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care were completed in each of the following financial years?
  2. Of the completed assessments outlined in question 1, how many resulted in the individual being assessed as eligible for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care?
  3. Of the completed assessments outlined in question 1, how many resulted in the individual being assessed as not eligible for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care?
  4. What was the total number of individuals in receipt of Children and Young People’s Continuing Care in each of the following financial years?
  5. What was the total budget spent on individuals in receipt of Children and Young People’s Continuing Care in each of the following financial years?
  6. How many local resolution requests to review an eligibility decision were completed in the following financial years?
  7. How many of those in question 6 resulted in eligibility? Please break down the figures by the following financial years.
  8. In the following financial years, for those assessed as newly eligible for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care, what was the average time taken between an individual’s full continuing care assessment and the commissioning of the package of care?

Funded Healthcare

  1. What is your total Children and Young People patient caseload, as at the end of June 2023?
  2. How many Children and Young People cases are currently undergoing transition between the ages of 14-17?
  3. Who undertakes your Children and Young People Continuing Care Assessments?
  4. How many of your Children and Young People funded care reviews are overdue? 
  5. How many of your Children and Young People Continuing Care cases are in receipt of joint funding to access education?
  6. How many complaints does your Integrated Care Board deal with each year in relation to Children and Young People Continuing Care?
  7. What’s the average timescale for a complaint to be resolved from receipt of complaint to satisfactory resolution?
  8. Can you please provide a copy of your Children’s & Young People’s Continuing Care policy?
  9. Can you please provide a name and contact details for your Continuing Care lead/Head of Service?

Children and Young People Dynamic Support Register (DSR) Services

  1. How many Dynamic Support Register does your Integrated Care Board have for Children and Young People?
  2. If more than one, what areas do those Dynamic Support Register cover?
  3. How are Children and Young People defined in the area (i.e. what age?)
  4. What is the criteria for being placed on the Dynamic Support Register? Is there a backlog / capacity limit on the Dynamic Support Register?
  5. How many individuals are currently on your Children and Young People Dynamic Support Register(s)? Please note I am not requesting any identifiable information but purely a numerical answer.
  6. How many of those Children and Young People are rated red?
  7. How many of those Children and Young People are rated amber?
  8. How many of those Children and Young People are rated green?
  9.  How many of those Children and Young People are rated blue?
  10. What is the criteria for a red / amber / green rating on the DSR?
  11. Of the Children and Young People currently on the DSR, how many are currently receiving a form of behaviourally intensive treatment? Is treatment planned for the other individuals?
  12. What is the average length of time that an individual is on your Children and Young People Dynamic Support Register for?

Children with Heart Defects and Tube Feeding Issues

  1. The estimated number of children currently living with heart defects and tube feeding issues.
  2. The number of children with these conditions who have received at-home support services in the last five years (broken down by year).  
  3. The number of children with these conditions currently awaiting at-home support services (broken down by year for the last five years).
  4. The number of children with these conditions who have requested at-home support services in the last five years (broken down by year).
  5. The number of children with these conditions who are currently in receipt of at-home support services (broken down by year for the last five years).
  6. The estimated number of children with these conditions who are eligible for at-home support services (broken down by year for the last five years).
  7. Additionally, I would appreciate any insights into the challenges associated with finding or extrapolating this data, such as variations in assessments/criteria or inconsistencies in data tagging of patients.

Care, Education and Treatment Reviews and Complaints

  1. I would like to know over the past 2 years how many Care, Education and Treatment Reviews (CETR) have been conducted and how many complaints have been raised over the same period.

Continuing Healthcare

  1. How many Children and Young People patients received healthcare funded care at home in 2022-2023
  2. How many Children and Young People patients received nursing care or nurse led care at home in 2022-2023

Personal Health Budgets (Carers)

  1. What is the standard rate set at for carers in Personal Health Budgets (Direct Payments) when calculating a Personal Health Budget?
  2. What is the process for determining this rate for carers within a Personal Health Budget (Direct Payment)?
  3. Which organisation decides / has authority on setting/finalising this rate (e.g. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, Local Authority, etc) for Personal Health Budgets (Direct Payments) that you are responsible for under NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board?  

Personal Health Budget Providers

  1. 3rd party care providers : Provide the Top 5 Third Party care providers in the Integrated Care Board region, along with their total contracted cost, contracted term start/end dates and estimated number of Personal Health Budget packages being supported by these 3rd party providers.
  2. Managed account providers : Provide the Top 5 Managed Account Providers in the Integrated Care Board region along with their total contracted cost, contracted term start/end dates and estimated number of Personal Health Budget packages being supported by these managed account providers.

Personal Health Budgets (Support/Promotion)

  1. What is your current budget for promoting / marketing Personal Health Budgets to the general population in England?
  2. Where do you promote Personal Health Budgets to the general population (e.g. online, surgeries, hospitals, local groups, etc.)?
  3. Do you have a strategy specifically for Personal Health Budgets in NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board?
  4. Can you share this strategy (if yes to answer 3.)?
  5. What resources do you offer/provide to people, parents, etc. on Personal Health Budgets?
  6. Do you use 3rd parties for this promotion/resource activity or use in-house NHS resources?

Personal Health Budgets

  1. In relation to last financial year (21/22) could you please provide me with information relating to the first 20 occasions in which you sanctioned the use of a patient’s Personal Health Budget (PHB) to be spent on something that was NOT for the provision of care, medicine, or transport to a place where care or medicine was provided?

Personal Health Budgets (Children)

  1. Estimated Budget/Cost of each Personal Budget package
    - In addition for each package: If Notional budget, confirmation of the provider of the package management (e.g. NHS)
    - If Third Party, the Third Party providing the management of the package.
    - If Direct Payment, the hours of care associated with the package
    - Funding providers for package (Social / Education / Health) with associated % of entire budget

Personal Health Budget with an Education, Health and Care Plan

  1. For Q3 2023/24 - Total number of Adults (from 18-25) who have Personal Health Budget with an Education, Health and Care Plan in place?

NHS Direct Payment Children Continuing Care Personal Health Budget

  1. What percentage (%) does NHS  Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board use the following methods to promote / support these 62 Children Continuing Care Direct Payment  Personal Health Budgets?
  2. How often are Direct Payments Personal Health Budget options promoted / advertised to the Personal Health Budget community within your Integrated Care Board? 
  3. Of these 62 CCC Direct Payment Personal Health Budget, what percentage (%) have employers / carers insurance?
  4. Of these 62 CCC Direct Payment Personal Health Budget, what percentage (%) have contracts of employment for their employed carers?
  5. Of these 62 CCC Direct Payment Personal Health Budget, what percentage (%) require regular medical training for their employed carers?
  6. Of these 62 CCC Direct Payment Personal Health Budget, what is the percentage split (%) of clinical oversight (main lead) for the Personal Health Budget?

Personal Health Budget Audits (Children)

  1. Number of Personal Budget packages that have been requested for financial audit.
  2. The % of pass / failed audit reviews
  3. If the audit review was NOT satisfactory, what reasons were given as a result of the failed audit, as well as the size / budget of the package.

Healthcare Budget

  1. In your Integrated care Board, what departments have access to the health care budget to supports individuals
  2. What services fall under that Health care budget
  3. How many times does your Panel meet to determine budget in a month
  4. Who is the main contact for those services and what is their contact email address / telephone number
  5. How much funding is available through your health care budget
  6. What is the allocation of the health care budget to different services
  7. Do you have a separate commissioning Team for Private Healthcare Budgets
  8. What are the teams contact details
  9. Have you got a list of providers you share with families looking for support through their Private Healthcare Budgets
  10. How would an organisation get added to the Private Healthcare budgets provider list
  11. How much funding is currently available through Personal Health Budget

Personal Health Budgets

  1. Are you partnering with any other private or public sector organisations to deliver your Personal Health Budgets? If so, please provide the names of those organisations and a summary of the services they provide?
  2. Over the last 12 months, how many people in your Integrated Care Board have been awarded a Continuing Healthcare budget and how many of these have taken up a Personal Health Budgets?
  3. Excluding wheelchair budgets, how many Personal Health Budgets have been awarded in the last 12 months and what is the average Personal Health Budgets budget value?
  4. What was total annual spend on Personal Health Budgets for your Integrated Care Board and how does that spend break down by Direct Payment, 3rd party managed and notional budgets?
  5. What software, if any, is used to manage Personal Health Budgets and direct payments in your Integrated Care Board? 
  6. What is the total annual cost for this software and what licensing model is used, e.g., X% of budget/per user/fixed cost 
  7. When is the contract for the Personal Health Budgets software up for renewal? 
  8. If not in use already, are you considering digital automated services to assist with the delivery of services and budget management of your Personal Health Budgets, personal budgets, direct payments and integrated personal budgets?
  9. Do you use a Direct Payment Support Service to assist direct payment recipients and if so, please provide details of who this is?
  10. Is the Direct Payment Support Service a contracted service and if so when does that contract expire?
  11. What is the annual cost of the Direct Payment Support Service?

Continuing Healthcare

  1. How many people, including children, in your Integrated Care Board have been awarded a Continuing Health Care budget in the most recent financial year and how many of these have taken up a Personal Health Budget?

Personal Health Budgets

  1. Could you please provide the contact information / email address(s) of the team(s) that are managing Personal Health Budgets in your Integrated Care Board?
  2. Could you please provide the contact information / email address(s) of the All Age Continuing Care  team in your Integrated Care Board ?
  3. Could you please provide the contact information / email address(s) of the Childrens Continuing Health Care  team in your Integrated Care Board ?
  4. Could you please provide the name(s) of any of the Integrated Care Board Board Members that have oversight of any of these areas?




Care Placements for Adults with Learning Difficulties and Epilepsy

  1. Please provide the names of all Care Quality Commission registered residential, nursing and supported living providers commissioned to meet the needs of adults with learning disabilities and epilepsy since 1st April 2019.
  2. For each of these providers, please specify the total number of placements funded through NHS Continuing Healthcare in each financial year since 1st April 2019 and the associated cost.
  3. For each of these providers, please specify the total number of placements where funding has been provided through NHS Funded Nursing Care for each financial year since 1st April 2019 and the associated cost.
  4. For each of these providers, please specify the total number of placements where funding has been provided through NHS Personal Budgets for each financial year since 1st April 2019 and the associated cost.

Adult Supported Living

  1.  Please provide the total number of adults (aged 18-64) with a primary support need of learning disabilities (LD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) funded by the Integrated Health Board and receiving long-term care in supported living settings.
  2.  Please provide a list of providers of supported living services used by the Integrated Health Board to place adults (aged 18-64) with a primary support need of learning disabilities (LD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) receiving long-term care. 

Section 117

  1. How many people in your Integrated Care Board currently are eligible, or have, section117 aftercare?
  2. How many section117 personal health budgets do you currently have? 
  3. How much does in-patient hospital care within mental health services cost per day per patient?

Organisational Policies and Continuing Healthcare

1. Please will you supply the structure, including every job title, of everyone from the Chief Executive downwards in NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight that has a responsibility in the areas of:
 - Quality
 - Information Governance
 - Data Processing/Data Protection?
2. The Clinical Commissioning Group organises Continuing Healthcare, with regard to this task please:
 - explain exactly the source of the money that pays for this function/service
 - does the Continuing Healthcare Team also cover care organised at a person's home through a hospice, for example Rowans Hospice
 - I have been told the money for care at home from hospices comes from Clinical Commissioning Group, if it is not the Continuing Healthcare Team who makes the agreements and pays the money who does manage this function/service please?
3. The NHS Standard Contract notes a contractual requirement on organisations which are not bound by either the Public Records Act 1958 or the Local Government Act 1972 to manage the records they create. Please supply this part of their contracts that the Clinical Commissioning Group gave to Care Companies and Hospices in 2015?
4. Did the CCG from the beginning of 2015 ever:
 - ask to see this policy from any care company or hospice
 - gain a copy of this policy from any care company/hospice it was engaging to provide care for a patient/service user.

Same-Sex Care Policy

  1. Please could you tell me whether you implement a ‘same-sex’ personal care policy for your social care service users? Or if you have moved to a ‘gender based’ policy?
  2. Does this policy apply to social care users who receive Continuing Healthcare funding provided by you, as well as those who receive council funded social care?
  3. Please provide proof of your policy.
  4. Do you instruct all care agencies in the area to comply with your policy or are each able to implement their own policy?

Redress Guidance

  1. I write to request a copy of the Integrated Care Board’s redress guidance in place during August 2022.

Continuing Healthcare Fee Uplift

  1. Please confirm if your Integrated Care Board operates on a Continuing Healthcare framework with a single, or range of rates, and confirm the rate/s and any criteria relevant to these rates, along with any annual uplift applied to these framework rate/s for the period 2023/24.
  2. If your Integrated Care Board places Continuing Healthcare residents outside of a Continuing Healthcare framework with a single, or range of rates, please confirm the rates and any criteria relevant to these rates, and confirm the uplift applied to these rates for the period 2023/24.
  3. Please outline the process to set Continuing Healthcare uplifts within your Integrated Care Board, and state how care providers were engaged in this process.  
  4. Please provide a copy of any letter or letters sent to care providers communicating Continuing Healthcare uplifts made by your Integrated Care Board.
  5. Please outline the process and timeline for your Integrated Care Board’s approach to your 2024/2025 Continuing Healthcare uplift.

Continuing Care Digital Solutions

  1. Which digital solutions are currently in use within your Continuing Healthcare services across the Integrated Care Board?
  2. How many users access the solutions on a regular basis?
  3. What is the annual total cost of your current provider?
  4. What date is the contract due for renewal for the current provider?
  5. Which digital systems are currently in use within your wider Integrated Care Board for health and social care?
  6. As a Continuing Healthcare service do you anticipate the need for your Continuing Healthcare system to interface with the wider Integrated Care Board systems in any of the following timescales?
  7. Would you consider implementing a web referral portal for your service in the next 12 months?
  8. Would you consider implementing a patient portal for your service in the next 12-24 months?
  9. What could digital solutions deliver to a Continuing Healthcare service that would make a significant improvement to current solutions and or support you further in performing your role?

Adult Social Care Fees

  1. Could you provide the figures for the average weekly fee rates charged for adults receiving care in a long-term residential care home?

Social Care Fees

  1. Please provide the average and median weekly rate paid by the Integrated Care Board in 2021/22 

Care Home Invoices

  1. The total value the Integrated Care Board has been invoiced by care homes between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023

Complex Care Commissioning

  1. Total number of adults assessed as eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding for financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2022/21
  2. Total number of children and young people assessed as eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding for financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2022/21.
  3. Please give details of any Framework or Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Continuing Healthcare care services to Adults and Children & Young People. Please include appropriate contacts regarding becoming a preferred provider.
  4. What is the average hourly cost paid by commissioners for complex continuing healthcare packages, that have any of the care needs stipulated in question 1
  5. Total number of adults assessed as eligible for Continuing Healthcare funding for financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2022/21, where care is provided in the patients home by a live-in carer.
  6. What is the average hourly cost paid by the Integrated Care Board for this level of care?
  7. Please provide the names and contact details for Service commissioners for the patient cohorts identified in question 1 and 2.

Continuing Healthcare Payments

  1. Please list the Local Authorities within your Integrated Care Board Boundaries
  2. As of 31 March 2023, how many individuals were your Integrated Care Board funding for Continuing Healthcare in Registered Older Persons 65+ Nursing Homes?
  3. The National Tariff Payment System Guidance 2022-23
  4. What was the mean/median/highest/lowest fee paid to Registered Older Persons 65+ Nursing Homes?
  5. What were the mean/median/highest/lowest inflationary uplifts offered in the 2022/23 Financial year by the ICB for Registered Older Persons 65+ Nursing Home residents?
  6. Please can you provide the appropriate contact details

Continuing Healthcare Packages of Care at Home

  1. How many packages involve the commissioning/funding of a nurse for 24 hours a day?
  2. How many packages of care fall within the cost bracket of £10,000 to £11,000 a week?
  3. How many packages of care fall within the cost bracket £11,000 to £12,000 a week?
  4. How many packages of care fall within the cost bracket of £12,000 to £13,000 a week?
  5. How many packages fall within the cost bracket of £13,000 to £14,000 a week?
  6. What is the budget/cost of the most expensive package of care? 

Packages of Care

  1. Please can you provide your total of agency spend for community packages of care between April 2022 to April 2023? .
  2. Please can you confirm how many Children were placed via agency community packages of care between April 2022 to April 2023? 
  3. Please can you confirm how many Adults were placed via agency community packages of care between April 2022 to April 2023? 
  4. Please can you confirm how many unregulated providers for Children were used for agency community packages of care between April 2022 to April 2023? 
  5. Please can you confirm what agency providers were used for packages of care (Children) between April 2022 – 2023? 

Live-in Care Packages

  1. Does the Integrated Care Board currently purchase live-in care packages?
  2. What is the average price for live-in care packages?
  3. Please can you provide the name of the commissioner who commissions home care in the Integrated Care Board
  4. Is there an open framework for us to apply for spot purchasing or an approved provider?

Care Services

  1. Does the Integrated Care Board commission, provide or manage any or a combination of the following type of care services provided in peoples' homes?
  2. What is the name of the service?
  3. What is the name of the organisation that provides the service?
  4. How many individuals are provided the service?
  5. How many care staff are employed/contracted to deliver the service?

Personal Care Provider

  1. Steps and processes required to be a Domiciliary and/or Supported Living Service provider for the Portsmouth, Hampshire or Southampton area, or any region where you need the service of a personal care provider covered by the Integrated Care Board

Care Homes

  1. Would you kindly provide the list of Care Homes in your geographical area

Continuing Healthcare Funded Care

  1. Who is responsible for sourcing and commissioning Continuing Healthcare funded packages of Care for individuals with Complex Care and Support Needs, please detail the team that sources packages of support and which department they for i.e., NHS or Local Authority?
  2. The number of Continuing Healthcare Funded Care and Support Packages commissioned by your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority and facilitated by an Independent (private or voluntary) provider within your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority boundary as of 2nd January 2023,
  3. The number of providers you commission on a spot purchase or framework arrangement to provide specialist Complex Care and Support Services within your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority boundary as of 2ndJanuary 2023?
  4. The number of providers specialising in post Spinal Injury Care and Support Services within your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority boundary as of 2nd January 2023?
  5. The number of independent (private or voluntary) specialist Complex Care and Support providers commissioned by your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority from 2nd January 2023 under a block contract arrangement?
  6. The number of individuals (children and adults) currently receiving care and support from a provider commissioned by your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority with CHC funding in place with Complex Care and Support needs?
  7. The number of individuals (children and adults) currently receiving care and support within their own home setting from a provider commissioned by an outside Integrated Care Board/Local Authority living but within your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority boundary?
  8. The number of individuals (children and adults) currently receiving care and support from a provider commissioned by your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority with Continuing Healthcare funding in place receiving over 80 hours per week care and support?
  9. Does the Integrated Care Board/Local Authority make placements via a Framework or other pre commissioned service arrangement for Complex Care and Support packages?
  10. If the Integrated Care Board/Local Authority has framework or pre commissioned arrangements, are these arrangements in collaboration with any other Integrated Care Board/Local Authority?
  11. In relation to any Frameworks you currently operate for individuals (children and adults) currently receiving complex and or high level care and support operated by an Independent (private or voluntary) provider within your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority boundary, please provide the information about the number of individuals they support within your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority boundary, the average weekly hours commissioned, the average hourly rate paid for this provision, per type specified and whether the fees include any discounts agreed with said Provider. Please also advise the totals for all packages in each type specified i.e. total average hourly rate, total average hours provided per week & total number of individuals supported by each provider. 
  12. As per question 3, please provide the same information; however, this time in relation to Non-Framework Providers i.e. where the Integrated Care Board/Local Authority has commissioned packages with Independent care and support Providers using a Spot Purchase mechanism because the Provider is not on a Framework with the Integrated Care Board/Local Authority. Please also advise the totals for all packages in each type specified i.e. total average hourly fee & total no of individuals supported by Provider.
  13. Please explain the process followed when you are unable to source a provider from the framework. Is there is a mailing list for this and if so please share the contact details of the team or individual responsible for making off framework package of care arrangements.
  14. Provide details of any e-sourcing portals used by your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority to advertise tender opportunities for Complex Care and Support Services including Spinal Care Services,
  15. Details of which team/ department commission/source Complex Care and Support packages where an individual has Continuing Healthcare funding in place, please detail whether this is commissioned directly by the Integrated Care Board or whether the commissioning of these packages of care are commissioned by the responsible Local Authority for the individual in need of care and support and Continuing Healthcare funding.
  16. Please provide the contact details (phone number and email) and name of the team within your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority  that refers individuals/ manage the placement contracts/ process for individual packages of support for individuals receiving Complex Care and Support services. Please including both children and adults requiring a package of Complex Care and Support in this and whether it is an all age service or separate,
  17. Please provide us of the details of any block contract arrangements you currently hold for Complex Care and Support Services including Spinal Care Services within your Integrated Care Board/Local Authority area.

Homecare Services

  1. The lowest rate per hour paid to any individual Homecare Provider during the Reference Period.
  2. The highest rate per hour paid to any individual Homecare Provider during the Reference Period.
  3. The average (“arithmetic mean”) price per hour paid to all Homecare Providers for all hours of Homecare services purchased during the Reference Period.
  4. The total hours of Homecare purchased from all Homecare Providers during the Reference Period.
  5. The total hours of Homecare purchased from all Homecare Providers during a seven-day period which includes Monday, 18 April 2022.
  6. Your organisation’s total spend on Homecare services purchased from all Homecare Providers during the Reference Period.
  7. The total number of Care Packages handed back by all Homecare Providers between Friday, 1 April 2022 and Friday, 31 March 2023.
  8. The total number of Care Packages handed back by all Homecare Providers between Thursday, 1 April 2021 and Thursday, 31 March 2022.
  9. The total number of people aged 65 years and over who were awaiting assessment, review or the start of a care service on Monday, 17 April 2023.
  10. The total number of people aged 65 years and over who were awaiting assessment, review or the start of a care service on Monday, 18 April 2022.

Continuing Healthcare Management

  1. Who is the Integrated Care Board’s current Case Management System provider for Continuing Healthcare, and what is the current contract end date?
  2. What is the Integrated Care Board’s total annual Continuing Healthcare spend?
  3. What is the Integrated Care Board’s current Continuing Healthcare budget?
  4. By which processes does the Integrated Care Board broker/commission packages of care for Continuing Healthcare patients?
  5. Who is the Head of Continuing Healthcare for the Integrated Care Board?
  6. What, if any, procurement contract does the Integrated Care Board use to engage Nursing Homes and Domiciliary Care agencies for Continuing Healthcare?
  7. Does the Integrated Care Board use a software system to manage Continuing Healthcare payments?
  8. Are there currently any plans to implement any digital solutions to manage Continuing Healthcare across the Integrated Care Board?

NHS Continuing Healthcare

  1. All electronic information you have for the NHS Continuing Healthcare training programme.
  2. Documents covering the Continuing Healthcare Core Competencies.

All Age Continuing Healthcare

  1. Does the Integrated Care Board administer the All Age Continuing Care service within the Integrated Care Board or is the service contracted out to another organisation?
  2. Which All Age Continuing Care Case Management System is currently in use within the Integrated Care Board to administer All Age Continuing Care and what is the current contract end date?
  3. How was the current system procured, was this on a specific procurement framework and where can the details of the contract be accessed publicly?
  4. Are there any plans to procure and implement a digital end to end All Age Continuing Care case management solution to manage All Age Continuing Care across the whole Integrated Care Board in the next 12-24 months?
  5. Who is the head of All Age Continuing Care for the Integrated Care Board?

Complex Care Commissioning Data

  1. Please give details of any Framework or Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Continuing Healthcare care services to Adults and Children & Young People. Please include appropriate contacts regarding becoming a preferred provider
  2. Please give details of how many providers are approved for Pathway 3 delivery of complex care services, commissioned by the Continuing Healthcare
  3. What is the average amount of hours commissioned per patient, by the Continuing Healthcare for Pathway 3 funded care.
  4. What is the average hourly cost paid by commissioners for complex continuing healthcare packages, that are Pathway 3 as stipulated in question 1 and 2 and delivered in the following formats:
  • In the patient’s home, where the care is delivered by Health Care Support Workers under the delegation/supervision of a registered nurse.
  • In the patient’s home, where the care is delivered by a registered nurse.
  • In a nursing home via NHS Funded Nursing Care funding
  1. What is the average hourly cost paid by commissioners for Pathway 3 continuing healthcare packages, that have complex health needs and needs delivered in the following formats:
  • In the patient’s home, where the care is delivered by Health Care Support Workers under the delegation/supervision of a registered nurse.
  • In the patient’s home, where the care is delivered by a registered nurse.
  1. Total number of adults assessed as eligible for CHC funding for financial years 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, where care is provided in the patients home by a live-in carer.
  2. What is the average weekly cost paid by the Continuing Healthcare for this level of care.
  3. Please provide the names and contact details for Service commissioners for the patient cohorts identified in question 1 and 3

Complex Home Care Packages

  1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for packages of Continuing Healthcare funded home care for (a) adults aged 18+ and (b) children aged 0-18 years old.
  2. Please provide the number of people in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funded home care packages (all active packages during the year including those which started prior) for (a) adults aged 18+ and (b) children aged 0-18 years old.
  3. Please provide the total number of Continuing Healthcare funded home care hours delivered for adults aged 18+.
  4. Please provide the Integrated Care Board’s total gross expenditure on Continuing Healthcare funded packages for adults aged 18+.
  5. Please provide the Integrated Care Board’s total gross expenditure on Continuing Healthcare funded home care packages for (a) adults aged 18+ and (b) children aged 0-18 years old.
  6. Please provide the lowest, mean and highest hourly rate for Continuing Healthcare funded home care packages for adults aged 18+ for 2019/20 to 2022/23, as well as a current snapshot.
  7. Please provide the lowest, mean and highest weekly fee for Continuing Healthcare funded home care packages for adults aged 18+ for 2019/20 to 2022/23, as well as a current snapshot.
  8. Please provide a list of the top 10 providers who received the greatest amount of funding from CHC funded home care packages. Please provide data for the last financial year 2022/23 for both (a) adults aged 18+ and (b) children aged 0-18 years old.
  9. For each provider, please provide the number of Continuing Healthcare funded home care packages in 2022/23 (all active packages during the year including those which started prior).
  10. For each provider, please provide total expenditure in 2022/23 related to Continuing Healthcare funded home care.

Complex Care Commissioning

  1. Can you provide a list the of the approved specialist nursing homes / settings within the catchment area the Integrated Care Board use to make specialist placements for adults with complex health needs and conditions for short to medium-term rehabilitation.
  2. Can you provide a list of the approved specialist nursing homes / settings within the catchment area the Integrated Care Board use to place adults with complex health needs and conditions for long term placements.

Care Packages

  1. Do you currently have a contract or Framework in place to commission packages of care for Adults living with Learning Disability, Autism and/or Physical Disabilities. If Yes: When does this expire? What is the name/title of the Contract, email address, phone number? If No: How do you commission the above package for Adults living with Learning Disability, Autism and/or Physical Disabilities.
  2. Do you use an online platform/portal to publish referrals? If yes: How to register on the portal? If no: How to access information about new package of care opportunities?
  3. Do you have a set rate for packages of care for Adults, if Yes what is the current rate for 2024? Please list the different tiers.
  4. What is the correct phone number or email address for the team who commission packages of care for Adults living with Learning Disability, Autism and/or Physical Disabilities.
  5. Who is responsible for Commissioning please advise of their name, email address and telephone number

Complex/Homecare Packages

  1. Please can you confirm what Care Quality Commission registered providers your Integrated Care Board used for complex/homecare packages between the period of 1st January 2023 -30th March 2024
  2. Please can you also confirm the associated spend per supplier for those providers broken down by month for the same period as above
  3. By which processes does the Integrated Care Board broker/commission packages of care for Continuing Healthcare patients? i.e telephone, email, software etc
  4. Who is the Head of Continuing Healthcare for the Integrated Care Board?
  5. What, if any, procurement contract does the Integrated Care Board use to engage i) Nursing Homes, and ii) Domiciliary Care agencies, for Continuing Healthcare? What are the end dates for any such contracts?
  6. What is the current process for procuring Care Quality Commission rated organisations to provide care for complex care requirements for Adults
  7. What is the current process for procuring Care Quality Commission rated organisations to provide care for complex care requirements for Children
  8. What department manages the request and selection of Care Quality Commission registered complex care providers for Adults and what are their contact details
  9. What department manages the request and selection of Care Quality Commission registered complex care providers for Children and what are their contact details
  10. What is the process to become an approved provider for complex care Children
  11. What is the process to become an approved provider for complex care Adult packages

Domiciliary Care Services Commissioning in Portsmouth

  1. What commissioning priorities should we be aware of for the coming years?
  2. How can we ensure our services are commissioned by both the NHS and local authority?
  3. What are the processes and timelines for tendering and contracting services?
  4. Are there specific mental health initiatives or projects that require domiciliary care providers?
  5. What are the expectations around service integration and multi-disciplinary working in domiciliary care?

Care Packages

  1. Please advise how to get on the spot purchase provider list and internal provider directory.

Homecare/Domiciliary Rates

  1. Please can I request the current rates for Domiciliary/Homecare care supply; both framework and out of framework rates.
  2. It would also be helpful if you could let us know the right point of contact regarding Homecare supply engagements.

 Continuing Healthcare and Domiciliary Cases

  1. How much did the Integrated Care Board spend on Domiciliary care in the financial year 23/24 (March 2023- April 2024)?
  2. How much did the Integrated Care Board spend on Continuing Healthcare in the financial year 23/24?
  3. How many Domiciliary care packages did the Integrated Care Board have active at the end of September 2024?
  4. What was the total cost of active Domiciliary care packages at the end of September 2024?
  5. How many Continuing Healthcare cases did the Integrated Care Board have active at the end of September 2024?
  6. What was the total cost of active Continuing Healthcare packages at the end of September 2024?

Complex Care Commissioning Data

  1. Can you provide a list of the top 10 providers by spend, of whom the Integrated Health Board/ Continuing Healthcare commission healthcare services at home with.
  2. Does the Integrated Health Board commission community/home-based nursing services or nurse delegated services to private providers who are only with Care Quality Commision registration for Treatment of Disease, Disorder or Injury (TDDI), or do you commission these services to providers without this registration.
  3. Please can you provide the details of the contracts and commissioning team(s) responsible for healthcare funded services at home.
  4. What was the Integrated Health Board's spend for 2022-2023 for commissioned healthcare funded support at home.

Adult Complex Care

  1. How many individuals do the local authority/NHS commission with Adults complex care using Live-in care at home (24-hour care with the carer staying in the property)
  2. How many providers do the local authority/NHS work with for Adult complex care at home and how many of those providers  have clinical leads?
  3. What is the commissioned rate for Adult complex care at home for 2023?
  4. Is there a separate framework for complex care at home and if so is it open?
  5. What is the name of the commissioner for complex care for adults?

Unfortunately, we can't give out individual email addresses or phone numbers for staff members.

Matthew Richardson is the Director of Nursing Care, overseeing all the sites.

For all inquiries related to All Age Continuing Care sites, please contact local teams here.



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