Welcome to Improve
This page contains a range of resources and tools that create the conditions which support continuous improvement, provides the connections to share learning and good practice, builds capability and capacity, and creates the culture needed to provide better outcomes for our patients.
Our NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Renewed Ambition describes our strategic commitment to continuous learning and improvement by working towards becoming a high performing health and care system, using improvement approaches, research and innovation.

NHS IMPACT (Improving Patient Care Together) is the new, single, shared NHS improvement approach. By creating the right conditions for continuous improvement and high performance, systems and organisations can respond to today’s challenges, deliver better care for patients, and give better outcomes for communities. Visit the introduction to NHS IMPACT to find out more. You can also subscribe to a monthly bulletin to receive the latest news, updates, and resources.
There is now a fantastic library of case studies available for us all to learn from, relating to the five components of NHS Impact, and a series of lunch and learns and masterclasses. You can also access previous recordings.
The Academy of Research and Improvement aims to equip our staff and those who work alongside us with confidence to identify improvement opportunities in their areas, and the ability to make those improvements; measuring and demonstrating the impact that they have on services and patient experience.
There is a range of resources available for improvement and patient involvement, including Quality Improvement (QI) tools, guides and helpful documents; Training, Workshops and Events, opportunities to get involved, and community based research information.
See hightlights from the 2024 Quality Improvement week which took place during the week of 9-13th September. The 2025 event will take place during the week of 8th -12th September, we will share details when available.
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Population Health Academy has been designed as a learning space to (i) raise awareness of the NHS role in the delivery of prevention and health inequalities, (ii) to support the NHS in understanding the actions to take and to (iii) support leaders to be a stronger advocate for this agenda.
Visit the Your Voice, Your Health page to access Community Involvement resources and project updates.
NHS Elect offers a range of training and learning opportunities and resources, access to the site is free to member organisations (currently all NHS Trusts except University Hospital Southampton)
The NHS England General Practice Improvement Programme supports general practice to deliver change through the national General Practice Improvement Programme (GPIP), which was introduced as part of the Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care. The programme provides tailored support to general practice to make changes and improvements.
The Health Foundation is an independent charitable organisation working to build a healthier UK, focussing on three key priorities:
- Improving people’s health and reducing inequalities.
- Supporting radical innovation and improvement in health and care services.
- Providing evidence and analysis to improve health and care policy.
On the Health Foundation website you will find useful publications, news articles, blogs, and webinars and events.
The Q Community is a community of thousands of people across the UK and Ireland, collaborating to improve the safety and quality of health and care, sharing knowledge, and providing support to tackle challenges, delivered by the Health Foundation. Join to find out more.
We are currently building the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Q community.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) offers a wealth of free tools, white papers, publications, audio and video, insights, and other resources to support your efforts to improve healthcare quality and safety.
Other improvement resources include:
- The Kings Fund publishes independent insight and analysis of health and care in England.
- NHS Confederation promotes collaboration and partnership working as the key to improving population health, delivering high-quality care and reducing inequalities.
- Health Innovation Network is a national network of local organisations across the country to spread innovation at pace and scale.
- The Academy of Fabulous Stuff is a community whose sole purpose is to share service improvements that work, to improve health and social care. Here you can search for solutions to problems, find tools to adapt for your own service, and connect with fellow members.
- NHS Horizons supports leaders of change, teams, organisations and systems to think differently about large scale change, improve collaboration, and accelerate change.
- The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare offers resources that help healthcare professionals and organisations to understand the connections between health and environment, and to reducing healthcare's resource footprint.
- Hampshire Healthcare Library Service share a monthly update of the latest Quality Improvement evidence, which is available via the Academy of Fabulous stuff.
- Advancing Quality Alliance (AQUA)'s Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign (QSIR) programmes focus on service improvement and provide a platform for NHS organisations and systems to build improvement capability at scale in line with the aims set out in the Long Term Plan. There is a collection of useful tools available to download.
- The Personalised Care Institute is accountable for setting the standards for evidence-based training in personalised care in England
- Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT) is a National NHS England programme designed to improve the treatment and care of patients.
- East London NHS Foundation Trust Quality Improvement website.
- Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust Quality Improvement website.
- Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP)
- Learning From Excellence (LFE)
- Liberating Structures
- The Quality Improvement Resource Hub
- THIS Institute (made possible by the Health Foundation)
- Virginia Mason Institute
- The Point of Care Foundation
NHS England have a range of clinical and operational improvement guides, and you can access a range of Networks that are available to stakeholders to support healthcare inequalities improvement.
The Q Community delivered by the Health Foundation offers dozens of online groups that you can join to share and collaborate, you can explore content, groups and members relating to Q topic areas, and find out more about Special Interest Groups.
Connect with others in health and care; share ideas, learn new skills, and collaborate on projects on the FutureNHS homepage
NHS England leads the National Health Service in England.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) offers a wealth of free tools, white papers, publications, audio and video, insights, and other resources to support your efforts to improve healthcare quality and safety.
The Health Foundation is an independent charitable organisation working to build a healthier UK.
This page is currently under development, please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see added.
NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight are committed to supporting the NHS net zero ambition and to strive for environmental sustainability across the system, including the environmental impact of Medicines.
We aim to embed sustainability into our everyday working life, making it everyone's responsibility, by sharing best practice, ensuring that we commission services and buy goods and services in a way which promotes sustainability and greener solutions, and produce compelling business cases for investment into net zero initiatives.
South East Regional priorities include:
- Medicines (anaesthetic gases, inhalers)
- Travel and transport
- Supply chain and procurement
- Estates and Facilities
- Digital ways of working
The NHS England Greener NHS programme works with staff, hospitals and our partners to build on the great work being done by Trusts across the country, sharing ideas on how to reduce the impact on public health and the environment, save money and reach carbon net zero. There are case studies that highlight the important work happening at all levels across the NHS.
You can also access webinars and events led by the NHS England Net Zero and Sustainable Procurement Team.
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare engages with healthcare professionals, patients, and wider community to understand the connections between health and environment, and to reducing healthcare's resource footprint. The centre offers strategic input and consultancy on sustainable healthcare research and practice, and showcases integrating sustainability in quality improvement (SusQI)
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)'s - Green Impact for Health (GIFH) programme offers practical advice and tips to general practices across the UK, who want to improve their sustainability, including a free toolkit that focusses on all areas of sustainability, asking the question 'what can you do in your practice?'.