Welcome to Learn
This page contains links to access case studies, resources that build improvement capability, and to local and national learning opportunities - from lunch and learn webinars to accredited courses.
NHS Elect offers a range of training and learning opportunities and resources, access to the site is free to member organisations (currently all NHS Trusts except University Hospital Southampton)
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Population Health Academy has been designed as a learning space to (i) raise awareness of the NHS role in the delivery of prevention and health inequalities, (ii) to support the NHS in understanding the actions to take and to (iii) support leaders to be a stronger advocate for this agenda.
The Academy of Research and Improvement offers workshops and learning for our colleagues and community.
NHS England has learning and support offers for people who bring their lived experience to a voluntary role and colleagues working in or with NHS employed roles.
The NHS Leadership Academy offers a learning hub that contains easy to access learning materials for all NHS staff to work through at their own pace.
The Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) eLearning area contains free to use education packages on subjects related to clinical audit and to healthcare quality improvement in general.
NHS Horizons runs the School for Change Agents which is a free, online, self-paced course designed for health and care staff at any level to build the confidence, knowledge and skills to be a Change Agent, which is someone who can see that things could be different, and has the passion and skills to make change happen. As an NHS staff member we are able to get a free upgrade to unlimited access by verifying your account.
Register to have an NHS OpenAthens account to access eLearning for Healthcare resources which is a national digital platform providing a rance of educational resources.
Advancing Quality Alliance (AQUA) supports health and care organisations by offering a comprehensive programme of courses and events to help build internal capability and support an improvement and transformation journey.
The Personalised Care Institute offers training and resources that equip health and care professionals with the knowledge, skills and confidence to help patients get more involved in decisions about their care. The have also launched 'Transforming Health through Personalised Care: Strategies for ICBs, Trusts, and PCNs' an education and advice hub designed to show how NHS organisations can use personalised care training initiatives to tackle regional priorities, improve health outcomes, and enhance workforce development.
Conversations in Health and Care Improvement
Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at East London NHS Foundation Trust and National Clinical Director for Improvement at NHS England, and Pedro Delgado, Vice President at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, host thoughtful discussions with wide-ranging guests from the world of quality improvement, to provide you with actionable insights and highlight best practice that can be replicated in diverse health and care settings.