The local maternity and neonatal system (LMNS) is the maternity and neonatal arm of the Integrated Care System. The LMNS is responsible for implementing the Three-Year Plan across Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth. The LMNS programme is made up of multiple workstreams and projects, which are detailed below.
The Three-Year Delivery Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services was published in March 2023 by NHS England. The plan sets out how the NHS will make maternity and neonatal services safer. The plan focuses on 4 key themes:
1: Listening and working with women and families for compassion
- Care is personalised
- Improved equity for mother and babies
- Work with service users to improve care
2: Grow, support and retain workforce
- Work towards having the right staff available for the best care for women and pregnant people
- Value our workforce
- Invest in skills
3: Developing and sustaining a culture of safety, learning and support
- Developing a safety culture
- Learning and improving
- Support and oversight
4: System-wide standards and structures that underpin safer, personalised and equitable care
- Standards that ensure best practice
- Data to inform learning
- Better use of digital technology in maternity and neonatal services
To contact the LMNS, please email the team at
The ambition of the digital workstream is for women and pregnant people to be able to access their maternity records and interact with their digital plans and information, to support informed decision-making, as well as accessing neonatal and early years health information to support their child’s health and development. The aim is that all maternity information required is available either by our app or Healthier Together, to ensure information shared is consistent and from reliable sources. This ensures that information meets accessibility standards, with non-digital alternatives available for those who require or prefer them.
Across the LMNS our digital health records are easily accessed by all our four trusts, meaning if you are receiving shared care between two or more of our trusts the health records follow you. The benefits of this include clinicians having access to your full record, regardless of where that care took place, stories do not have to be repeated, and multiple sets of notes do not need to be shared across our trusts.
Our aim for the digital transformation for our staff includes accessing all healthcare information from one system, by interfacing with other hospital systems and interoperability with systems outside of maternity, to ensure that pregnancy information is available for all those who may give care during pregnancy. By meeting this aim, it means clinicians are not duplicating work onto multiple systems, it streamlines care pathways and workflows, as well as releasing essential time to care. The programme is also ensuring all clinicians are supported to make best use of digital technology with sufficient computer hardware, reliable Wi-Fi, secure networks, and training.
In 2023 the LMNS published the equity and equality action plan (full version of the report and asset map) to respond to the inequalities and inequities experienced within the NHS and by mothers and babies in the UK. The NHS (2021) has released guidance to help Local Maternity Systems align their Equality and Equity Action Plans with the health inequalities work of Integrated Care Systems. For ‘equality’ there is a focus on promoting equal opportunities for all people who engage with the NHS. In the specific context of equity, the ambition is that all mothers and babies can achieve health outcomes that are as good as the groups with the best health outcomes. Families of course are a central component of this focus.

This poster was produced because of the findings of the MBRRACE – UK report 2021, which highlighted that women and people from Black, Asian and mixed backgrounds, and those living in the most deprived areas had worst maternal and neonatal outcomes. In response to this, NHS England issued guidance to all LMNS (Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems) on Equity and Equality. This report summarises the actions Hampshire and Isle of Wight LMNS plan to take to address equity and equality in our local area over the next three years.
The poster aims to explain who the LMNS are and what we do as a system. It also broadly examines our local area and populations, focusing on the equity and equality National aims.
You can view and download the poster here.
For any further enquiries relating to this poster please contact
LMNS Equity - Easy Read Version Summary
View the Easy Read summary of our LMNS Equity plan
About This Document
This Easy Read version has been created to make information about maternity care equity in our region more accessible to everyone. It uses simple language and clear formatting to explain important changes in maternity services.
In 2021, NHS research showed inequalities in maternity care across our region, particularly affecting:
- People from Black, Asian and mixed ethnic backgrounds
- People living in areas of social deprivation
NHS Response
The NHS has developed a comprehensive strategy to address these disparities in maternity care. Hampshire and Isle of Wight LMNS (Local Maternity and Neonatal System) is implementing our own strategy locally.
Local Action Plan
The local LMNS has developed a three-year programme to:
- Ensure equal access to maternity services
- Improve care quality for all service users
- Remove barriers to accessing maternity care
- Support better outcomes regardless of background or postcode
Contact Information
The Easy Read version provides a direct contact email ( for enquiries.
Document Usage
This Easy Read version is designed to be:
Accessible to people with different reading abilities
Clear and straightforward to understand
Supportive of NHS England's commitment to inclusive communication
Complementary to the standard LMNS Equity strategy document
Next Steps
For more detailed information about the LMNS Equity strategy, members of the public and healthcare professionals can:
- Contact the LMNS team directly via email
- Request the full strategy document
- Ask questions about specific aspects of the improvement programme.
To oversee and support the maternity and neonatal services implementation of the Baby Friendly Initiative Project. The Baby Friendly programme is part of a wider global partnership between the WHO and UNICEF and provides evidence-based knowledge with clear standards to prevent inconsistencies of messages transforming healthcare for babies, mothers and families.
The maternity continuity of carer model is designed to ensure that women and pregnant people receive support from a dedicated team throughout their maternity journey. This ensures consistency and coordination of care throughout pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period. The model supports women and pregnant people to form a relationship with clinicians. This in turn builds trust, supports informed decision making and the delivery of person-centred care. The ambition is that this becomes the default model for all women and people accessing services, but the initial rollout has been prioritised to those most likely to experience poorer outcomes.
The Maternity Triage Line is a collaboration between the LMNS and maternity services operating in partnership with South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS). It incorporates the service previously known as Labour Line. This service was launched in November 2022. The Maternity Triage Line provides dedicated telephone call triage and support services for women in early labour and for antenatal queries from 20 weeks gestation onwards. It excludes early pregnancy calls up to 20 weeks gestation and postnatal calls. Women will be advised to download and access the Healthier Together app. The women triage their symptoms and will be directed to call the Maternity Triage Line when they score an amber status on the app.
The Integrated Care Board commission maternity and neonatal voices partnerships (MNVPs) which are designed to facilitate participation by women and families in local decision making. MNVPs listen to and reflect the views of local communities.
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Perinatal Pelvic Health Service (PPHS) are responsible for the prevention, identification, and access to NICE-recommended treatment for ‘mild to moderate’ pelvic health problems antenatally and at least one year postnatally. PPHS will be established system-wide with shared protocols and standards so that all women within each Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) footprint can expect to receive the same level of care.
PPHS have three overarching functions:
- To embed evidence-based practice in antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care to prevent and mitigate pelvic health problems resulting from pregnancy and childbirth.
- To improve the rate of identification of pelvic health problems antenatally and postnatally.
- To ensure timely access to NICE-recommended treatment for common pelvic health problems antenatally and postnatally.
Personalised care gives women and birthing people choice and control over how their care is planned and delivered. Based on informed decision making, supported by unbiased and evidence-based information, women and pregnant people will have the opportunity to develop their own personalised care and support plan (PCSP). The PCSP will reflect choices based on the individual’s physical health, mental health, social complexities, choices and wellbeing. It will be reviewed and updated at each contact.
The LMNS is working with all trusts to develop accessible PCSPs which can be created and updated by all women and pregnant people. To support personalised care and support planning, staff will be empowered to hold personalised conversations and given the tools to support women and birthing people to make informed decisions at each contact.
The LMNS works collaboratively to implement national and local recommendations focused on improving the safety and quality of maternity and neonatal services. Regular forums to share both good practice and learn from unplanned outcomes ensures learning is shared across the system. A direct reporting line to the regional safety group maximises learning beyond local systems.
The workforce workstream is responsible for implementing Theme 2 of the Three-Year Plan, to grow, support and retain the maternity and neonatal workforce.
The LMNS have developed the Maternity Careers Hub within the Wessex Maternity Academy website. This resource was developed in collaboration with midwives, maternity retention and workforce leads. The Maternity Careers Hub will give maternity staff access to career resources and materials. The Maternity Careers Hub will provide managers resources to support their staff in career conversations, succession planning and talent management.
- Local Maternity and Neonatal Service newsletter - January 2025
- Local Maternity and Neonatal Service newsletter - December 2024, recognition event special edition
- Local Maternity and Neonatal Service newsletter - October 2024
- Local Maternity and Neonatal Service newsletter - Neonatal Day Special 2024
- Local Maternity and Neonatal Service newsletter - July 2024