10 March 2023

The annual NHS staff survey results have been published for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB). 

Findings show positive feedback while highlighting our potential with further improvements to enhance the experiences of our people at work.

The NHS staff survey was conducted in October and November 2022 and is one of the largest workforce surveys in the world, providing important information about the experiences of individuals working in the NHS across England. It provides a good temperature check of experiences at work and the findings help us to understand where we are getting things right and areas where we need to make further improvements.

We would like to thank all our colleagues who took the time to complete the survey.

The NHS staff survey is aligned to the seven elements of the national People Promise, which we are pleased to see we have scored similarly to other Integrated Care Boards in all seven areas.

We are committed to listening to and acting on people’s feedback. Senior leaders will be working closely with their teams to identify key priority areas that they will work on and develop action plans to ensure people’s feedback is acted on.

To view detailed results, head to the national staff survey website


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