1 June 2022

In Hampshire and Isle of Wight, our central focus is on ensuring our residents receive the best possible care and lead independent, healthy lives, as we work ever more closely and collaboratively.

The creation of the Integrated Care Board from 1 July marks a new milestone for the NHS and paves the way for us to transform how we work and to deliver our ambitions for our communities.

Our success will be measured by the improvements we deliver in population health, quality of care and equity of access and this cannot be delivered through a change in organisational structures alone.

We have appointed four Executive members of the Integrated Care Board. Dr Derek Sandeman, Roshan Patel, Helen Ives and Tessa Harvey are well known to many already and they take up their new roles as ‘designates’ until 1 July 2022.

We are recruiting substantively to the role of Chief Nursing Officer. Julie Dawes is our current Chief Nurse, working three days a week on secondment from Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Julie will remain with us and support the period of transition. We are currently completing the recruitment process for the Chief of Strategy and Transformation role.

Sarah Reese, Director of Strategic Planning will be leading the Strategy team from mid June. Further updates on appointments including our Non-Executives and Partner Members will be shared as we head towards our formal establishment. 

Chief Medical Officer: Dr Derek Sandeman

Derek will lead on developing a clear clinical vision for Hampshire and Isle of Wight which articulates how we will improve the health of our population. Digital transformation will be central to all that we do and he will lead on examining how we can use clinical information more effectively to improve care.

Derek will work in tandem with our Chief Nursing Officer to drive a focus on service improvement and transformation, harnessing the expertise and experience of our clinical teams.

He was an endocrinology consultant and has spent over 25 years working as a clinical leader in the local health and care system, formerly as Chief Medical Officer at University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.

Key priorities for Derek and his team in the first year will be:

  • Initiating transformation programmes in the areas of cardiovascular disease prevention, frailty and childhood trauma
  • Developing a culture of proactive safety
  • Embedding population health as a strong foundation across all of the ICS’s work

Chief Finance Officer: Roshan Patel

Across Hampshire and Isle of Wight we have an NHS budget of £3.6billion and one of the duties is to ensure that we get the greatest benefit from how we spend it. In the role of Chief Finance Officer, Roshan is responsible for ensuring we get best value from the money we invest in services for the people of Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

Robust financial management is key to support transformation of services and promote further integration. Roshan will work with the wider finance community in Hampshire and Isle of Wight to deliver a financial strategy that underpins this. This includes continuing to develop how we delegate place-based decision making and support the pooling of resources with our local authority partners.  

Roshan has spent his career in NHS finance and brings a wealth of experience from across both providers and commissioners. His experience in both finance and performance ensures we are focused on always getting the best for our people and our communities.

Some of the key priorities that Roshan will be delivering with his team are:

  • Deliver the integrated ICS financial plan for 2022/23
  • Develop a long term financial and sustainability plan
  • Provide financial leadership to key programmes of work including the Isle of Wight financial sustainability plan and the Hampshire Together programme

Chief People Officer: Helen Ives

Our people are at the heart of our plans for Hampshire and Isle of Wight and without them we will be unable to deliver on our ambitions. We are extremely fortunate to have a wealth of talent in our organisations and we must ensure that we continue to support them and develop their skills.

As Chief People Officer, Helen leads the Hampshire and Isle of Wight People Board and work with system partners to oversee delivery of our People Plan.

We know that culture has a direct impact on patient experience and outcomes and so Helen will lead the organisational development work to foster and promote a supportive and inclusive ethos across Hampshire and Isle of Wight. 

Helen has a diverse background with NHS experience having worked in Solent NHS Trust and NHS England, and before this spent time in a number of sectors including IT and telecoms, logistics and insurance.

Some of the key priorities that Helen and her team will be focusing on this year are:

  • Delivery of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight People Plan, ensuring the programme is aligned to the priorities of the Integrated Care System
  • Embark on a programme of workforce transformation
  • Ensuring 1200 new international nurse recruits across our Trusts are onboarded
  • Develop new values and behaviours for the Integrated Care Board and oversee development of a cultural development programme

Tessa Harvey, Chief Delivery Officer

Integrated Care Systems have been set up to improve outcomes in population health; tackling inequalities in outcomes, experience and access; enhancing productivity and value for money and supporting broader social and economic development. As Chief Delivery Officer, Tessa is responsible for planning to ensure we have the resources to deliver on these priorities.

She will work closely with the Executive Team, as well as colleagues from across provider organisations  to support system operational performance and have oversight of services against national standards. Central to Tessa’s role will be ensuring our objectives are embedded within our plans at place and local delivery system, including ensuring we have the leadership in place to support how we transform services across Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

As a former Director of Commissioning, with most recent system experience in London, Tessa has a track record of successfully bringing together finance, quality and performance resulting in better outcomes for patients and is adept at focusing teams on improvements that make a real difference.

Key priorities for Tessa and her team this year include:

  • Delivery of urgent, emergency and planned care programmes, winter plan and primary care programmes across Hampshire and Isle of Wight
  • Ensuring clear deliverables for leaders across Hampshire and Isle of Wight are agreed and monitored, linking to the system-wide operating plan and five-year strategy
  • Maturing of assurance approach and discussions
  • Planning ahead for 2023/24 and ensuring alignment to the five-year strategy
  • Leading and enabling colleagues and partners to work together even more closely for the benefit of people in our communities

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