21 November 2022

This winter will be the first time we see the real effects of COVID and flu in full circulation as we go about life as normal, so it is vital that those most at risk and their family members come forward to receive their COVID vaccination, be it their first, second or booster jab.

IMG-20220915-WA0000 (002).jpgThis brings us to Emma and her son Ollie, who have taken the time to share with us why getting vaccinated is so important, particularly when a family member is immunosuppressed. Emma’s story starts back in November 2019 when after a very bad throat infection, she also started to get Psoriasis, which by March 2020 was covering much of her body. Psoriasis is a long-lasting (chronic) disease, where people have an increased production of skin cells and is thought to be related to a problem with the immune system. This led to Emma being identified as immunosuppressed and more at-risk from serious illness should she catch COVID.

To Emma, being immunosuppressed, there was no doubt in her mind that the best thing to do was for her to get vaccinated. Being eligible and higher-risk, meant that Emma’s family who live with her were also eligible to get a seasonal booster, this included her 12 year old son Ollie.

Oli was given the choice as to whether or not he would get vaccinated, as Emma felt this was important. Oli has autism and is incredibly close to his mum, as well as his nanny and grandad – who he calls ‘matey’. After seeing how unwell his mum had been after her throat infection, Ollie knew that getting vaccinated was the best way to help protect her.

We met Emma and Ollie at the Health Hub at Festival Place in Basingstoke, where Ollie was booked in to receive his third Covid jab, and his Mum couldn’t be prouder. Having autism, Ollie often finds it hard to understand things, but he knew he had to take the jab to help his “Mummy, Nanny and Matey” he told us. The team at the Health Hub spoke with Ollie and his mum to explain what would happen and gave him some special distraction tools to help him feel less nervous during the process. Ollie has been such a huge help to his Mum and despite being nervous clearly told the vaccine team that this was just another way he could help. Emma is incredibly proud of Ollie and hopes he will help inspire others who are unsure or nervous about getting vaccinated.

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Emma also told us how impressed she has been with the vaccine services every time she and Ollie have been in for their vaccinations. Emma expressed her admiration for the teams and the way they treated children in particular who were getting vaccinated and were often nervous or unsure. From dressing up in fancy dress to creating calming spaces for the children, nothing was too much effort.

We hope this story encourages others to book in for their vaccinations this winter and like Ollie, help protect themselves and those around them.

If you aren’t sure whether you are eligible or have questions about getting vaccinated when you are nervous, you can contact the Hampshire and Isle of Wight COVID helpline on 0300 561 0018.

It’s not too late to come forward and get your vaccine! If you would like to find out more, please visit nhs.uk/wintervaccinations.

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