25 April 2022

The Isle of Wight’s mental health wellbeing organisation, Isorropia Foundation, is now open to self-referrals.

People struggling with their mental health and wellbeing can now directly access help from Isorropia Foundation without needing to be referred there by a professional.

The organisation, which works closely with Isle of Wight mental health teams, GP practices and community organisations, has recently been awarded a contract by Hampshire, Southampton, and Isle of Wight CCG to continue to deliver their services to Island residents for a further three years.

Members who graduated the Isorropia Foundation programme in 2021 reported significant improvements in all areas of their wellbeing, particularly in how they managed their anxiety and low mood, their understanding of their mental health, and improved confidence and hope for the future:

  • Hope for the future increased for 95% of participants
  • Wellbeing increased for all participants
  • Anxiety management improved for 95% of participants
  • Social isolation and reported self-harm were eliminated from this cohort, who previously reported 60% isolation and 40% self-harm
  • 24% either entered employment or increased their employment hours
  • 76% are now more socially active.

Dr Dan O’Neill, GP and CCG clinical lead for Mental Health on the Island, said“We know that, for many people struggling with their mental health, the idea of reaching out for help can feel frightening and overwhelming.

"That is why it is so important to give people options – we sincerely hope that making it easy to contact the team at Isorropia directly, without having to go through anyone else, might make all the difference for anyone who might otherwise hold back from getting the help they really need. In taking those initial difficult steps we hope they will start to be empowered to take control of their own mental wellbeing whilst receiving the support that helps on that journey.”


Isorropia Foundation is the Island’s mental health (MH) and wellbeing provider, specifically developed and co-designed by Islanders to complement current mental health services, with the lived experience of the team at its core.

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