16 June 2022

The Met Office has declared a hot weather level 3 Alert for Friday 17 June, when the Heat-Health thresholds have been exceeded. This means temperatures during the day are expected to be around 30C and 15C overnight for at least two consecutive days.

The increased temperatures can cause risk to people’s health, so it’s important we look after ourselves and each other. People most at risk of harm from hot weather include older people, the very young and people with pre-existing medical conditions.

During extremely hot weather there is a risk of developing heat exhaustion and heat stroke.  Heatstroke can occur if symptoms of heat exhaustion are left untreated, it can also occur suddenly without warning. 

We urge you to take extra care over the coming days to keep yourselves safe and well by following these top tips:

Stay out of the heat

  • Keep out of the sun between 11.00am and 3.00pm.
  • Walk in the shade, apply sunscreen, and wear a hat.
  • Avoid extreme physical exertion.
  • Wear light, loose fitting, cotton clothes.

Cooling down

  • Have plenty of cold drinks, and avoid excessive alcohol, caffeine and hot drinks.
  • Eat cold foods, particularly salads and fruit with a high water content.
  • Take a cool shower, bath or body wash.
  • Sprinkle water over the skin or clothing, or keep a damp cloth on the back of your neck.

If you are concerned for your health over the coming days please speak to your local pharmacist, call 111 or visit www.111.nhs.uk if you feel it is urgent.

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