16 February 2023

Partners from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System came together last week to continue shaping delivery of our jointly produced Integrated Care Strategy, published in December last year.

Working in small groups, colleagues were tasked with developing our partnership vision statement and the behaviours of how we work together, creating lots of conversations and buzz amongst the groups.

We are currently working our way through the vision statements and behaviours to test out a smaller number with our partners.

The session was also useful as it acted as a reminder of our priorities in the strategy, which are:

  • Children and young people
  • Mental wellbeingICP assembly 02.jpg
  • Good health and proactive care
  • Our people (workforce)
  • Digital solutions, data and insights 

With over 80 people present in the John Pound Centre in Portsmouth it was a very productive session, giving people the opportunity to come together to take forward our strategy. Partners included, health partners, local authority, voluntary sector, Healthwatch, police, fire and the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner. Joining them were senior leaders from the Integrated Care Board, including Chief Executive Maggie MacIsaac, and Chair Lena Samuels alongside one of our Partner Members and Chief Executive of Portsmouth City Council, David Williams.

Ros Hartley, Director of Partnerships for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, who was involved in developing the event with partners across the system, said: “This was a fantastic opportunity to meet in a community venue in Portsmouth to take the work we have done so far in developing our strategy together and turning it into action.

“This builds on all the amazing work already taking place locally and together across our system. It gives us the added opportunity to work in partnership on the things that we know will make a difference to people’s lives and wellbeing over the next few months and years by delivering in partnership.”

This was just the start of us delivering on our strategy as we come together with our partners to look at improving healthcare and outcomes for our population.

You can read our Integrated Care Strategy here.

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