6 December 2022

Dr Fraser Malloch, Dr Debbie Chase and Cllr Lorna Fielker outside St Mary's Surgery in SouthamptonIn Southampton we believe around one in six people smoke. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the UK. 78,000 people die in the UK every year from smoking and it’s responsible for over 70% of lung cancer cases.

By signing up to the pledge, the team in Southampton Central is committing to:

  • Treat tobacco dependency among patients and staff who smoke
  • Ensure smokers within the NHS have access to the medication they need to quit
  • Create environments that support quitting through implementing smokefree policies

Dr Fraser Malloch, Clinical Director at Southampton Central PCN, said:

“Our outstanding teams across the PCN are working hard to help our patients quit smoking.  By signing up to the pledge we are committing to going above and beyond to help our community live longer, healthier lives.”

There are many benefits to stopping smoking.  It will help you to breathe more easily, feel more refreshed and active, and save money.

Support is available to help people in the city to stop smoking in addition to the support from GP practices, including from local pharmacies, the free Smokefree National Helpline on 0300 123 1044 and the NHS Quit Smoking app. More information can be found on the Southampton City Council website here: https://www.southampton.gov.uk/health-social-care/health/stopping-smoking/

Councillor Lorna Fielker, Cabinet Member for Health, Adults and Leisure at Southampton City Council, said

“We're really pleased our partners at Southampton Central PCN have signed up to the NHS Smokefree Pledge and we’re excited that they’re the first PCN in the country to do so. By signing up to the pledge, local organisations are able to establish new ways of making a positive difference, helping to give our residents the best chance of quitting smoking. I have first-hand experience of using local stop smoking support services via my GP; the help and support available is brilliant and I’m pleased to say I have not smoked since!”

Dr Debbie Chase, Director of Public Health at Southampton City Council, said:


“I’m so pleased Dr Malloch and his colleagues have signed the NHS Pledge and doing this fantastic work.  We are working with primary care services across Southampton to make it as easy as possible to get help to stop smoking and we are proud to have signed the similar Local Government Declaration on tobacco control.”

Hazel Cheeseman, Deputy Chief Executive at Action on Smoking and Health (ASH):

“I am delighted to celebrate Southampton Central as the first PCN to sign the NHS Smokefree Pledge joining the many NHS Trusts who are already signatories. Smokers have more illnesses throughout their lives compared to non-smokers and GPs, nurses, pharmacists and others in primary care have many opportunities to direct smokers to support. If smoking rates are to fall to below 5% by 2030, as the Government has committed to, we need to help millions of smokers to stop in the next 8 years, many of those quits will start in primary care. This commitment is therefore tremendously important.”

Southampton Central PCN consists of a number of GP practices across the city centre and Portswood areas.  These are St Mary’s Surgery, Solent GP Surgery (and the homeless healthcare team), Mulberry Surgery, and Alma Road Medical Centre.

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