29 March 2022

Three providers of community mental health services - OSEL, Two Saints and Isorropia Foundation - have had their contracts renewed by NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).  

These providers already successfully deliver a range of services supporting people with mental health conditions, providing wellbeing interventions, employment support and crisis prevention and intervention, enabling people to lead hopeful and fulfilling lives.

The award of these contracts is a recognition of the positive impact that community-based services have had for people living on the Island.

OSEL has already succeeded in supporting more than 230 people into work, education, training or voluntary roles, while the Two Saints ‘Safe Haven’ service has provided vital support for almost 900 people in 10 months, helping those who might be at risk of deterioration, or crisis. During the same 10-month period more than 600 people have been referred to Isorropia, with all patients reporting reduced anxiety, and more than three-quarters being able to become more socially active.

All three providers work closely with the Isle of Wight NHS Trust mental health services, GP practices and social care within the Isle of Wight Council, ensuring that the whole system comes together to meet the needs of people experiencing mental illness.

Dr Dan O’Neil, Isle of Wight GP and one of the CCG’s mental health leads, said, “This is great news for the Isle of Wight community as these contracts will allow continuation of services that are already valued by those using them and allow GP practices to work closer with wider elements of the mental health system.

“It will also enable each of the providers to continue to build a firm foundation upon which development will further improve the resources available to our residents in need of support.”

All three contracts begin on April 1, 2022 and will last for at least three years meaning there will be stability in community mental health and wellbeing provision until at least 2025.

OSEL provide employment advice and employment support to people living with mental health support needs.

Tracey Hill, chief executive of OSEL, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded a three-year contract from the NHS.

“This award gives our long-established, quality employment service the stability it needs to continue to deliver our outstanding person-centred advice and support. It provides much-needed reassurance to clients that the service is stable and will be able to support them on their employment journey.“It will also allow our advisors to continue with their development aspirations, strengthening the team as a whole.

Working in partnership with other organisations, we will ensure that the service continues to improve by reviewing its procedures and using client feedback to produce the best possible outcomes."

Two Saints provide the Newport based Safe Haven for adults on the island that may be experiencing mental health crisis.

Steve Benson, chief executive of Two Saints, said: “We are really pleased to have been awarded the contract to continue to deliver the Safe Haven services on the Isle of Wight.

“We know that crisis mental health intervention services are a key aspect in helping those in need and to reduce the requirement for hospital treatment, by improving their mental health and helping support them to achieve a brighter future.

“We very much look forward to working in partnership with Isle of Wight NHS Trust and other providers for the benefit of the community on the Island.”

Isorropia Foundation delivers community mental health and wellbeing services as well as peer support across the Isle of Wight.

Vicki Haworth, one of the CEOs at Isorropia Foundation, said: “Isorropia Foundation aims to make the Isle of Wight a positive and healthy place to live for everyone. We are overjoyed to have been awarded the three-year contract to deliver Community Mental Health and Wellbeing for the Island, which allows us to continue to offer our model of wellbeing and to self-empower our members to become the best versions of themselves.

“We look forward to building and strengthening our collaborative partnerships to develop and embed fantastic mental health and wellbeing provision across the Island.”

The Isle of Wight NHS Trust No Wrong Door Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Strategy published in October 2020, highlights the importance of partnerships between services in ensuring people receive the care they need, at the right time and close to home.

Lesley Stevens, Director of Community and Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, Isle of Wight NHS Trust, said: “We have been privileged to work with OSEL, Two Saints and Isorropia Foundation, , all of whom share our approach to working collaboratively with people who have mental health difficulties to create hope, build on their strengths and support recovery.

“Working together with partners across our health and care system means that we can ensure that nobody falls through the gaps and that those people who need mental health support can access high quality care closer to home.

“The pandemic has been a very challenging time for many people, especially for those with pre-existing mental health conditions, and therefore now, more than ever, we want to ensure that mental health support is easy to access and responsive to people’s needs on the island.”

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