Population Health Academy Newsletter

Prevention and Inequalities Briefings

Stoptober Campaign Resources

We are pleased to share that Stoptober campaign resources are now available to download from the Campaign Resource Centre. These can be used throughout September and October to help raise awareness of the campaign and encourage smokers to plan their quit attempt. They include:

  • Campaign toolkit containing key messages, stats and facts, overview of assets, suggested social media posts and ideas for evaluation
  • Digital posters 
  • Social media assets (static and animated) 
  • Graphics for digital screens
  • Email signatures

Translation and Interpretation Services Survey

NHS England are leading a piece of work to understand what is working well and what isn’t working well in translation and interpretation services across different healthcare organisations. This will support towards the development of an improvement framework to enable stronger partnership working and system-based approaches. If you have experience of working in this area, your insights would be valuable to inform the outputs of this project.
Please share your views in an online survey, which shouldn’t take longer than 20 minutes to complete. The deadline to complete the survey is Friday 6th September 2024.

NHSE are also looking for examples of where provision of translation and interpreting services is working well. You can find more information on how to send these via the link.

What can local government in England do to tackle the leading risk factors for ill health?
Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 11.00 – 12.15
Venue: Online event held on Zoom Webinar – accessible via PC, laptop and smartphone

Varenicline is being introduced into the UK
Varenicline is a safe, effective and cost-effective treatment for smoking cessation in adults. Generic varenicline will soon be available in the UK after the proprietary version (Champix) was withdrawn in October 2021.

The generic version, simply called Varenicline:

  • is nitrosamine-compliant
  • remains on the British National Formulary
  • has an unchanged Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC)
  • will have limited supplies, and no starter packs, for the first couple of months

Beginner's guide to the South East Health Protection Team

Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 10.00 – 12.15
Venue: Online event held on Teams – accessible via PC, laptop and smartphone

Developing a Community Wealth Building Strategy

Date: Wednesday, 25 September 2024 13:00 -14:00
Venue: Online event held on Zoom  – accessible via PC, laptop and smartphone
Anchor organisations play a vital role in bringing Community Wealth Building strategies to life. Join us to explore lessons on what works from leaders in health and local government, reflect on your own approach and learn with others. This interactive and informative webinar is free to join and open to all.

Young People and Prevention of Homelessness

Date: 12 September, 2024, from 2 - 4 pm
Venue: Online, via Teams

Following our in-person Moving Towards Independence Research Impact Event, HCOP is holding a network meeting on Young People and Prevention of Homelessness. The purpose of the meeting is to listen to young people's experiences such as moving from supported lodgings into independent living and their recommendations to improve policy and practice. There will be time to share lessons learned with others working in the field and discuss ways forward to better support young people at risk of homelessness. This network meeting is free of charge and is open to all people, at all levels, engaged in all activities in the service of people who are homeless.

Maximising Population and Prevention in curricula

Date: 11 September 10:00 – 12:00 and 17 September 12:30 – 14:30
Venue: Online

This e-learning for health toolkit aims to support educators of all regulated health and care professionals to maximise population health and prevention learning in their respective curricula. Access the Population and Prevention in curricula programme toolkit here.

Get ready for Stoptober 2024

Stoptober is the Department of Health and Social Care’s annual stop smoking campaign, based on evidence that if a smoker makes it to 28 days smoke-free, they are five times more likely to quit for good. DHSC are currently creating a range of campaign assets to help you promote Stoptober locally which will be available soon on the Campaign Resource Centre. These assets focus on reminding smokers of what Stoptober is all about – that if you quit smoking for Stoptober (ie 28 days) you are five times more likely to quit for good. Assets are also being created promoting useful quitting tips, the health benefits of quitting and the range of support available.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please email partnerships@dhsc.gov.uk

Digital Weight Management Programme Animation – Subtitle Translations Ask

The national obesity team are looking into adding subtitles on the DWMP animation to a list of common languages. They are now proceeding with a trusted company to do the translations, however for completeness they have asked for volunteers to sense check this across those who can read the following languages:

  • Bengali
  • Urdu
  • Punjabi
  • Arabic  
  • Polish
  • Turkish
  • French

If you can read the animation script in any of the languages above and wish to assist with the sense check of the translations please contact Courtney.bowman@nhs.net 

Maximising population health and prevention in healthcare curricular: Toolkit launch

NHS England is launching the newly updated ‘Maximising Population Health and Prevention in Curricula’ toolkit which aims to support education providers in embedding population health and prevention in the curricula of their healthcare courses. The toolkit provides guidance, tools, and resources to support the development, delivery and evaluation of healthcare courses and includes unique examples of innovative healthcare teaching to develop population health and prevention skills in the future NHS workforce.

NHS England would like to invite you to the launch of their toolkit which has been developed to support education providers to enhance population health and prevention in the design of healthcare courses.  

Developing a community Wealth Building Strategy

Anchor organisations play a vital role in bringing Community Wealth Building strategies to life. Join us to explore lessons on what works from leaders in health and local government, reflect on your own approach and learn with others.

This interactive and informative webinar is free to join and open to all.

Health Foundation Webinar: What can local government in England do to tackle the leading risk factors for ill health?

Tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food remain the leading risk factors for ill health in England. In their manifesto, Labour have pledged to introduce national policies to help tackle smoking and unhealthy food. However, building good health depends on a wider system of public services and support, with local authorities playing a key role. This webinar will discuss how local authorities in England can collaborate across their teams and directorates to tackle tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food.

LKIS Toolbox Training: Using PHI tools in practice

Please note that this session pulls together the tools we have covered in the previous Toolbox Training sessions between March 2024 and August 2024. To get the most out of this session, you need to have attended the previous Toolbox Training, or have experience of using at least Fingertips and GBD Compare. Some knowledge of SHAPE, the Local Inequalities Explorer Tool and the Segment Tool would also be beneficial but not essential.

This Toolbox Training session explores how to use a range of Population Health Intelligence tools to assist you in effectively targeting activity to improve your local population's health and reduce health inequalities. The session will include a breakout room exercise using a case study approach to identify which tools can answer which questions.

Tools will include Fingertips, SHAPE, GBD Compare, Local Inequalities Explorer Tool and the Segment Tool.
The training session will last for 1 hour and 30 minutes and will take place via MS Teams.
If you have any questions or would like any further information about the Toolbox Training please email LKISSouthEast@dhsc.gov.uk

HEART UK Lipid Intelligence Network
The Lipid Intelligence Network is a free virtual meeting which runs monthly, helping bring together healthcare professionals with an interest in blood lipids. These meetings provide an open forum to discuss any challenges you are facing with other health professionals working nationwide, helping to find practical solutions. These meetings are every 3rd Tuesday 1-2pm of each month (except for December).

South East Collaborative Focus on CVD – 26 Sept – lipid optimisation

This webinar series has been organised by the health innovation networks for Kent Surrey Sussex, Oxford & Thames Valley and Wessex, who form the South East Collaborative for CVD. The webinars are open to all healthcare professionals/clinicians and programme managers with an interest or role in the subject matter. Each event (delivered via Teams) will explore current developments relating to the condition including identification, treatments, targets and incentives, plus examples of best practice. It is not a requirement to register for all three events in the series, although please feel free to do so if of interest.

Event schedule:

  • Lipid optimisation - Thursday 26 September 12 - 1pm
  • Hypertension - Thursday 7 November 12 - 1pm
  • Heart failure - Thursday 21 November 12 - 1pm

Future NHS Conversation on Cytisine

There is a conversation underway around Cytisine on FutureNHS. If any system leads/providers can help with advice or want to join the request for info take a look.

Digital Weight Management Lunch and Learn

If you missed the Digital Weight Management Programme Lunch and Learn that took place on the 25th July you can access the recording here.

Also if you have any feedback on the event or ideas for future events please complete the evaluation form here.

South East Third Sector Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Peer Support Worker Development

This is a call for expressions of interest to support the development of Peer Support Workers and Peer Supervisors within third sector homelessness organisations in the South East. Further information and details on how to submit the expression of interest is included in the flyer but expressions of interest will need to be submitted by 10:00 9th August 2024.

For any questions, please contact: england.publichealthschools.se@nhs.net

ONS Paper - Analytical Learning Points for Ethnicity Data in Health Administrative Data Sources

The ONS has published a paper exploring the consistency and quality of ethnicity recording in NHS administrative data sources to support future research and policymaking. 
Ethnicity coding within these datasets play a crucial role in understanding health disparities, identifying vulnerable populations, and tailoring healthcare services to meet diverse needs effectively. However, there are unique considerations that should be addressed by analysts to improve the quality and consistency of their work with these data.
The Analytical Learning Points for Ethnicity Data in Health Administrative Data Sources paper collates our findings from previous ONS analysis, which has been interpreted by experts from different disciplines. The paper sets out six learning points for analysts and policymakers working the General Practice Extraction Service and Hospital Episodes Statistics datasets. The paper provides practical insights for handling ethnicity data from these sources. This work has been funded by the Wellcome Trust.
We’d welcome any feedback, including on how these learning points can be applied in practice, and you sharing the paper with your networks as you feel appropriate. 
If you’ve any questions or would like to discuss the findings in detail, do let me know or you can also get in touch at health.data@ons.gov.uk

Level 7: Health Care Intelligence Specialist Apprenticeship Expression of Interest

NHS England’s Workforce, Training & Education Directorate is funding salary support for the new Level 7, Health Care Intelligence Specialist Apprenticeship which is being delivered by JGA.

Across the South East, NHSE is funding 5 apprenticeships within health and care organisations. The funding (of up to £44,000 per year for 3 years) can be used to support salary of the apprentice, educational supervision or other elements to enable the apprentice to successfully complete the apprenticeship. 

This is a 36 month programme which consists of:

  • 22 month taught programme (6 hours off the job training per week)
  • 14 months to embed learning and support placements where possible

The apprenticeship will be ideally suited to someone working at NHS agenda for change band 6 or 7 (or equivalent) within a data or intelligence team.  It is recommended that the apprentice will work at least 30 hours per week, however part-time can be considered in discussion with the provider JGA. 

The apprenticeship will commence on 15 October 2024, employers must be able to ensure an apprentice is in post to start the programme on the 15 October 2024.  Employers should consider this apprenticeship for existing members of staff who would like to develop their technical statistical knowledge to gain a level 7 accreditation.  

JGA will work with employers to ensure any candidates are suitable for the apprenticeship. Full detals of the programme including eligibility and course contents are available here.

Process for application:

  1. Expressions of interest to be submitted by employers by 5pm, 2 August 2024 to england.publichealthschools.se@nhs.net
  2. JGA will contact employers who have submitted an expression of interest to arrange assessment dates for the apprentice
  3. Outcome of successful 5 funded apprenticeships – date to be confirmed 
  4. Apprenticeship commences 15 October 2024

If you have any queries regarding the expression of interest form or funding please contact england.publichealthschools.se@nhs.net. For any queries regarding the apprenticeship please contact JGA on 020 8426 2666 or sales@jga-group.co.uk

Developing a community Wealth Building Strategy

Date: Wednesday, 25 September 2024 13:00 -14:00
Venue: Online event held on Zoom  – accessible via PC, laptop and smartphone

Anchor organisations play a vital role in bringing Community Wealth Building strategies to life. Join us to explore lessons on what works from leaders in health and local government, reflect on your own approach and learn with others. This interactive and informative webinar is free to join and open to all.

Health Foundation Webinar: What can local government in England do to tackle the leading risk factors for ill health?

Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 11:00

Tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food remain the leading risk factors for ill health in England. In their manifesto, Labour have pledged to introduce national policies to help tackle smoking and unhealthy food. However, building good health depends on a wider system of public services and support, with local authorities playing a key role. This webinar will discuss how local authorities in England can collaborate across their teams and directorates to tackle tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food.

Digital Weight Management Programme - Lunch & Learn

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (DWMP) is a 12 week programme aimed at patients with a BMI 30+ who have a diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension or both. It is an online platform providing a combination of GP provided advice and community intervention. 

Join us for a Lunch and Learn Session in to the programme where we will discuss DWMP outcomes and best practice. 

This will be an opportunity to hear and share learning and ask questions to speakers and each other. 

Date: 25th July 2024
Time: 11:30-12:30

Regular National Tobacco Communities of Practice

The National Smoking in Pregnancy community of practice takes place on the first Monday of each month from 2:00pm to 2:45pm. The next session is on the 5 August 2024.

We have been asked to provide details of any volunteers to showcase their work in maternity tobacco dependency services for the monthly national Smoking in Pregnancy Community of Practice. If you can think of an appropriate speaker, please contact: courtney.bowman@nhs.net

NHS Digital Weight Management Programme - Staff Offer

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (DWMP) is a 12-week programme aimed at patients with a BMI 30+ 
It is an online platform providing a combination of GP provided advice and community intervention to help support you to lose weight, see more information in attached poster.

The offer is open to all NHS staff and unlike regular eligibility criteria to the programme, no diagnosis of diabetes or hypertension is needed.

Refer to the programme here.

More information on the staff offer can be found here.

Tobacco data FAQs update

The FAQs document for tobacco PLD has been updated and can be found here.

Swap to Stop Training

The NCSCT have released training related to the OHID Swap to Stop scheme which you may wish to disseminate if appropriate. It can be accessed here.

Toolbox Training

We are working with our OHID and LKIS colleagues to develop a training offer, but in the meantime this session is available on 8 August 10.30-12pm.

Ambassadors Cohort 3

We’re delighted to announce that recruitment is now open for the third cohort of NHS England’s Core20PLUS Ambassadors Programme.

Anyone working in the NHS and across Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) or wider in Local Authorities, VCSE or in Industry who is committed to narrowing healthcare inequalities can become a Core20Plus Ambassador.  

Ambassadors will be committed to ensuring equitable access, excellent experience, and optimal outcomes for all, with a focus on ‘Core20PLUS’ populations which are more likely to experience healthcare inequalities. 

We particularly welcome applications from professionals with good links to Core20PLUS communities and from areas such as rural and coastal communities.

Recruitment closes 20 September 2024. 

Interested individuals can apply by completing the following expressions of interest form

New ambassadors will be informed by early October. They will be in post for one year from November 2024 to October 2025. After this date, they will be invited to join the Core20PLUS Ambassadors Alumni Network.

We are committed to ensuring the Ambassadors are strongly connected and rooted with the healthcare inequalities work taking place at local/ICS, regional and/or national level therefore Core20PLUS Ambassadors will be supported to form local, regional, and national networks to reduce healthcare inequalities. They will be offered platforms and training to actively champion healthcare inequality improvement. This includes face-to-face and online learning events. The programme is self directed so you can participate in development that suits your needs and to build your individual strengths to amplify your work. 

Over 250 Core20PLUS Ambassadors were recruited in cohort 2 in 2023/24.

If you have any questions, please email england.core20plusambassador@nhs.net.

New Measuring Health Inequalities Toolkit

A new piece of training that is freely available and takes you through 7 modules on different ways to measure inequalities, starting with a broad introduction to epidemiology and moving into more complex statistical measurements.

When accessing do try various browsers if it doesn’t load and also it won’t load if there are too many people accessing it at once!

Core20PLUS5 Handbook

This is a request for those working on the Core20PLUS5 agenda for adults to join and input into the development of the Core20PLUS5 Handbook.  

What is the Core20PLUS Handbook?

The Core20PLUS5 Handbook aims to support effective delivery of Core20PLUS5 for adults and for children and young people. It has been developed in response to demand relating to implementation queries on Core20PLUS5 adults and CYP. It has also been outlined as a public commitment within the Major Conditions Strategy Framework and a commitment highlighted by the National NHS England Healthcare Inequalities Improvement programme.
The document will provide evidence-based interventions with a focus on the Core20 population. It will include case studies with innovative practice, key tools, resources and products so that people can use it to shape and deliver their plans. 
The handbook will:

  • Further describe the Core20PLUS5 approach and evidence base for action
  • Document expectations and national steers around delivery of Core20PLUS5 
  • Provide practical information, resources and tools to inform delivery.

The handbook is in draft format and will be shared with you before the meeting to review and then to bring your thoughts and comments to help us to shape and finalise into a product that will aid delivery effectively. 
If you are interested in attending the workshop please contact finlay.bamber1@nhs.net as we can only accommodate a maximum of 40 people at this workshop. It is essential that the handbook is reviewed before the workshop.

The date and time of the of the workshop is July 31st 2-4pm MS Teams invite will be shared with you. If you are unable to attend we welcome feedback via this interactive mural board (enter as “view as visitor”) or via email to finlay.bamber1@nhs.net

Final editing will remove errors in typing and formatting we welcome thoughts on content, evidence, gaps, resources to include, any areas to exclude and examples of excellent practice as case studies.

We are deeply grateful for your support in this work.

Digital Weight Management Programme (DWMP) Lunch & Learn

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (DWMP) is a 12 week programme aimed at patients with a BMI 30+ who have a diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension or both. It is an online platform providing a combination of GP provided advice and community intervention. 

Join us for a Lunch and Learn Session in to the programme where we will discuss DWMP outcomes and best practice. 

This will be an opportunity to hear and share learning and ask questions to speakers and each other. 

Health Equity Network: webinar to launch Manchester Measuring Inequalities Toolkit

A special webinar event to launch the new Manchester Measuring Inequalities Toolkit, a collaborative project developed by Manchester City Council and the University of Manchester. The webinar is an opportunity to learn how Manchester is using its historical backdrop to support people to measure changes in health inequality more effectively. However, the methods presented in the Toolkit can be used to investigate inequalities in any setting. 

Webinar Details: 

  • Date: Monday 15 July 2023 
  • Time: 12:30 – 13:30 
  • Platform: Teams via Health Equity Network 

What You'll Hear: 

  • The context around the Toolkit and the Making Manchester Fairer programme 
  • Why the Toolkit is needed 
  • What the Toolkit includes 

Please note that this webinar is exclusively available to members of the Health Equity Network. If you are not yet a member of the Health Equity Network, you can join by visiting the Health Equity Network. Once your membership is confirmed, register for the webinar via the link on the homepage.

Building Healthier Communities: Insights from the King's Fund on Community Champions Programmes

A thought-provoking webinar exploring the latest findings from community champion approaches to promote health and well-being!

Hosted by Professor Kevin Fenton, Regional Director of Public Health in London, Helen Gilburt from The King's Fund will share key findings from a recent study requested by DHSC and OHID and commissioned through the NIHR Policy Research Programme, focusing on:

  • The impact and value of community champions programs.
  • Different models for programme delivery
  • How community champions complement other community-based approaches

By attending, you'll gain insights on:

  • The latest research on community champions programmes.
  • Strategies for implementing successful programmes in your area.
  • How community champions contribute to a broader vision of health equity.

The webinar is intended for those with interest and involvement in the commissioning, design, delivery and evaluation of: community-centred approaches to health and wellbeing; and broader approaches to tackling health inequalities. 

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experts and explore the future of community-centred approaches.

Space is limited, so register today!

Health Anchors Learning Network - Anchor Exchange

Join us for our new offering from HALN - the Anchor Exchange. Offering a space for reflection, peer learning and discussion, these 'connect and learn' sessions are designed to support you to explore common themes, share ideas and overcome challenges in creating effective anchor organisations, all while connecting with other members of HALN.

These sessions are free to join, and open to anyone who is interested in or working to develop the impact of their anchor organisation.

Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme

A funding call for Addressing inequalities: improving access to Structured Medication Reviews in seldom heard communities.

The Health Innovation Network Polypharmacy Programme is offering up to 10 CORE20 PCNs the chance to submit bids for up to £1,500 of funding to improve the uptake of Structured Medication Reviews (SMRs) in more deprived communities.

Key Dates:

  • Deadline for project proposals Friday 12th July 2024
  • Successful submissions announced 24th July 2024
  • MOUs signed and in place by 1st September 2024
  • Case studies submitted by 20th January 2025.
  • Participation in short telephone conversations January/February 2025

Guidance Document
Application Form

*Prevention Briefing

Tobacco Tracker

Reminder that the Q1 tracker has now been released for population for July 2024 (Q1 position). The tracker will be open until Thursday 11th July. 

Tobacco and Alcohol PLD Bulletin

The national team has released the June Patient Level Data bulletin. There’s a lot of good info in there, particularly the section which walks through the dashboard. 

Tobacco data FAQs update

The FAQs document for tobacco PLD has been updated.

Swap to stop training

The NCSCT have released training related to the OHID Swap to Stop scheme which you may wish to disseminate if appropriate.

National Maternity Tobacco CoP

We have been asked to provide details of any volunteers to showcase their work in maternity tobacco dependency services for the monthly national Smoking in Pregnancy Community of Practice. If you can think of an appropriate speaker, contact ben.crawford1@nhs.net

New Cochrane Review

There is a new Cochrane review published titled “Interventions for smoking cessation in hospitalised patients”.  Highlights from the abstract are:

  • People are more likely to stop smoking if they receive stop‐smoking counselling that begins in hospital and continues for more than a month after discharge COMPARED to if they receive no counselling
  • Shorter and less intensive counselling was less effective (although the evidence is less robust). 
  • People are also more likely to stop smoking for at least six months if NRT or varenicline is started in the hospital COMPARED to if they do not receive medication or if they receive a placebo medication. 
  • People who receive counselling in the hospital are more likely to quit smoking after discharge when using a combination of counselling and medication than when receiving neither

It focuses on RCTs etc which will likely explain the omission of papers on CURE etc.  

NCSCT Standard Treatment Programme for Mental Health Settings

As part of the NHSE commissioned inpatient training bundle, the NCSCT have now published the Standard Treatment Programme for mental health settings. These resources will also soon be shared on a dedicated space on the eLFH platform. 

Announcement document - please forward to leads in your mental health TDS providers

DWMP Lunch and Learn

Date: 25th July 2024
Time: 11:30-12:30

*Inequalities Briefing

Qualitative study: Inclusion health patient perspectives on remote access to general practice

The COVID-19 pandemic led to widespread adoption of remote consultations and triage-first pathways in general practice. However, evidence on how these changes have been perceived by patients from inclusion health groups has been lacking. 

This study from Pathway Fellow Dr Aaminah Verity and Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown was based on semi-structured interviews with 21 participants, including people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, sex workers, vulnerable migrants, and those experiencing homelessness. 

Their analysis identifies the barriers to access, including lack of translation availability, digital exclusion, and a complex, difficult-to-navigate healthcare system. Other themes included the importance of trust, face-to-face consultation options for ensuring safety, and the benefits of remote access, particularly in terms of convenience and saving time. Themes on reducing barriers included improving staff capacity and communication, offering tailored options and continuity of care, and simplifying care processes. 

In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of a tailored approach for addressing the multiple barriers to care for inclusion health groups.

GP access for inclusion health groups - perspectives and recommendations

And we have another paper from the very busy duo Dr Aaminah Verity and Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown, this time exploring evidence of the impact of remote consulting and triage systems on inclusion health populations through a mystery shopper exercise.  

The exercise involving in-practice visits and phone calls to 13 GP practices in East London, with the findings then reflected upon by a multidisciplinary stakeholder group which identified recommendations for improvements. 

Only 31% of mystery shoppers attending surgeries were able to register and make an appointment for an urgent problem. Most felt respected and understood and just under half of practices received positive comments about accessibility. 

The study concludes that significant registration and appointment-making issues persist for inclusion health populations, whilst identifying practice and system level recommendations for improving access for this vulnerable population.

Radical safeguarding toolkit for homelessness

This new resource, developed by Pathway ICS Inclusion Health Learning Programme Lead Gill Taylor and published with Research in Practice, is a social justice tool aimed at practitioners who are concerned with injustice and inequality affecting adults who are homeless. 

The toolkit aims to draw attention to the connection between social justice and safeguarding, including the intersecting experiences of marginalisation and risk faced by people who experience homelessness. The tools and exercises also engage practitioners in approaching safety and safeguarding by exploring the principles of solidarity, agency, accountability and power, providing opportunities for learning and reflection, and can be used individually or in teams. 

Commissioning Community Champions: King's Fund

Community champions are typically members of the community who volunteer to promote health and wellbeing or improve conditions in their local community. The community champion approach is one of many community-led approaches to improving health and wellbeing. Based on The King’s Fund research, they have proposed a series of questions to help commissioners and local decision-makers identify the potential value of community champions to their local system, and the factors that are important to consider for influencing impact.

Inclusive Pharmacy Practice Bulletin

This issue focuses on the theme of pharmacy addressing mental health inequalities. The stark reality of having a serious mental illness (SMI) is that you will die some 15-20 years prematurely. Furthermore, you are more than twice as likely to lose all your teeth, with the pain, discomfort and social stigma linked to this.

Diabetes UK report: Type 2 diabetes in young people

Report from Diabetes UK highlights the 40% rise in type 2 diabetes in young people between 2016-17 and 2022-23, with 168000 people below the age of 40 now living with type 2 diabetes, an increase of more the 47000 since 2016-17. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is significantly more prevalent among young people in the most deprived areas compared to the most affluent areas of the country.

Delivery plan for recovering urgent and emergency care: progress update and next steps

This update highlights the progress made over 2023/24 in delivering the actions set out in the delivery plan.

Community-led and person-centred approaches to health and wellbeing 10-11th July 2024

Communities and the places people live in profoundly shape how healthy and well they are, often having greater influence on health and wellbeing than health services. The impact of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups on people’s health and wellbeing have been brought into sharp focus by their ongoing role in responses to the cost-of-living crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. Join the event to learn about the power of community-led and person-centred approaches and understand how the health and care system can invest in, and work with, communities to improve people’s health and wellbeing.

*Prevention Briefing

Reminder: Ask from Public Health Registrar for ACT information

Could I ask that system leads could pass on any info on trusts that definitely do not have an alcohol care team? A Public Health registrar on placement at Oxford Uni would like to know to help inform a research project. He has also developed a short form around existing ACTs – if you have time please could you have a go at completing it?

Regular national tobacco communities of practice

The National Smoking in Pregnancy community of practice takes place on the first Monday of each month from 2:00pm to 2:45pm. They will be holding the first Inpatient Physical Acute Peer Group meeting on 17 June at 2pm. This has not yet been set up as a series however, please follow the link to register your attendance and receive an invitation.

SE Tobacco Community of Practice May 2024 resources/recording

Please see the following link for the recording and resources from the recent SE Tobacco Community of Practice.

Updated: Tobacco PLD - expected smoking prevalence and expected throughout

The national prevention team has been working on the methodology to calculate expected smoking prevalence and throughput. They have made improvements to various steps in the methodology including sourcing more relevant England prevalence data by deprivation (which they will also use in the health inequalities analysis).

The attached (updated) methodology paper explains the steps, the data sources and the detail of the calculations so they can be replicated by others.

They aim to introduce this methodology in the June monthly figures (Dashboard, Data Packs and Reporting and Assurance Tracker).

Cochrane Review: Smoking cessation interventions in hospitalised patients

A new Cochrane Review has been published outlining the evidence around various interventions for smoking cessation in hospitalised patients.

These are the key messages:

  • When people who smoke are admitted to a hospital, they can be helped to quit smoking if they receive stop‐smoking counselling that begins in hospital and continues for at least a month after they return home, compared to no counselling.
  • Medications, such as nicotine patches and varenicline, in combination with counselling also help people quit smoking post‐discharge. These treatments work better than not starting counselling or medication during a hospitalisation.
  • Evidence supports hospitals and hospital clinicians offering in‐hospital and post‐discharge cessation support to patients, and demonstrates that patients may benefit from beginning their quit‐smoking journey prior to, or upon, hospital discharge, in order to stay quit post‐discharge.

Quarterly Tobacco Tracker

We will soon be opening the next quarterly tobacco tracker. It will open on the 24th June, closing on the 11th July. This will open in the usual way and we will send out communications when it has been opened.

HSJ Awards for Innovation and Improvement in Reducing Healthcare Inequalities Award

The HSJ Awards for Innovation and Improvement in Reducing Healthcare Inequalities Award are out now and closing date is 31st May 24. In previous years - 2022, 2023, this Award has received the most submissions and is an excellent reflection of the depth and breadth of innovative and improvement projects out in the systems, driving to reduce healthcare inequalities, and its our opportunity to hear from them.   

Cohort 3 Core20PLUS5 Ambassadors - Open Day

Are you interested in joining our 3rd cohort of our Core20PLUS5 Ambassadors? Do you want to find out more about the programme? Join us for our Core20PLUS5 Ambassadors Cohort3 Open Day on 20 June 2024 from 11am – 12pm. 

The session will outline the programme application process, provide an opportunity for us to share our objectives and responsibilities; both ours and yours, and most importantly provide an opportunity for you to ask questions. The session will be led by Abdul Hamied Deputy Director, Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, NHS England. 

Registration for the event will close on June 19, 2024 at 5 pm. Please note the registration will not commit you to the programme it is to provide information only. 

Digital Inclusion Central Repository

The Digital Inclusion Central Repository is now available to access on NHS Futures, allowing readers to use published documents as inspiration for their own work to implement the Digital Inclusion Framework. This feature includes many useful tools and documents to see the impact existing projects had on mitigating digital exclusion.

Prevention, Population Health and Prosperity: A new era for devolution

This report from NHS Confederation sets out why ICS and devolved administrations should work together to jointly improve health and support economic prosperity. The report explores how they can maximise their collective impact  for their shared populations, and what government needs to do to support and accelerate the health and devolution agenda in the future.
Key points from the report include:

  • While the building blocks of local partnership and collaboration are already in place at local level, the challenge remains to understand the commonality in reforms, and further develop the relationships between NHS and local government partners to better understand and use their collective value. 
  • Leaders should be able to visualize and explain what closer, more effective integrated working could feel like for colleagues on the front line and, importantly, what it would mean for local populations.
  • The authors recommend that the successful implementation of their central vision for health and devolution will depend on a three-staged approach, developed through coordinated local leadership and sustained national support.
  • These three steps include: focusing on people and the places where they live and work; supporting populations to improve their own health; and recognising that everything has an impact on health.
  • Delivering on this vision will involve increasing and resourcing local capacity and capability; focusing on community engagement and empowerment; understanding and using soft power and system working.
  • ICSs and combined authorities should create a positive vision for integration for their local populations, underpinned by a series of thematic priorities which can guide leaders on where and how best to work together.

United against Health Inequalities: Moving in the right direction

New report has been published by NHS Providers shares the results of NHS Providers recent member survey on health inequalities. The results provide an update on the progress NHS trusts have made in tackling health inequalities in the past three years. While we have seen positive steps forward among trusts - with increased strategic commitment, appointment of executive leads for health inequalities and greater data analysis - there is still much more to do. The biggest barriers preventing trusts from taking meaningful action are lack of finances, resources and ongoing operational pressures. To shift the dial, trusts are calling for dedicated funding and cross-government action on the wider determinants of health.

OHID guide to support the planning, implementation and evaluation of actions to reduce health inequalities in AHP services

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) has published a new guide to support the planning, implementation and evaluation of actions to reduce health inequalities in AHP services. The guide has been developed for AHP system leaders working across regions, Integrated Care Systems, local authorities and provider organisations. It is intended as a practical tool to support AHP leaders to create an environment where addressing health inequalities is routinely incorporated into all aspects of service delivery.

The Health Foundation: REAL Centre Health Inequalities in 2040: Current and projected patterns of illness by deprivation in England

This report focuses on inequalities in major illness in England, notably among working-age people. It reveals that growing ill-health will continue to significantly impact people's lives and the economy. On current trends, 3.7 million working-age adults will be living with major illness by 2040 - up from 3 million in 2019. It warns that 80% (540,000) of this increase will be in the more deprived 50% of areas, further entrenching health inequalities and having considerable implications for local and regional economies.


Hampshire County Council are seeking a dedicated Community Researcher to support the Afghan community in Hampshire. The applicant will be hosted by Hampshire County Council and will work closely with Communities First Wessex and NHS England Southeast. The role involves engaging with the Afghan community in Hampshire to gather views and generate ideas, analyse and report on data to inform community driven initiatives. The ideal candidate will have strong communication skills, a deep understanding of the Afghan culture, and the ability to build trust and collaborate effectively with a range of diverse groups from the Afghan community.

Find out more information here.

In 2023, a joint bid was submitted to National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to deliver a project using a Community Research model. This project focuses on trans+ people who experience inequity and inaccessibility in cancer services. The project is being led by Help & Care alongside partners Macmillan Cancer Support, Beyond Reflections, Bournemouth University, Southampton University Hospital, Wessex Cancer Trust and Wessex Cancer Alliance.

Through the project, we will also be engaging with a wide group of cancer service professionals to develop a shared understanding of how cancer inequalities manifest for trans+ people. Our aim is to raise the level of ambition around eradicating cancer inequalities and develop a commitment to act on the solutions our research creates.

To lead the work, we have recruited, with the support of Beyond Reflections, 4 trans+ community researchers, who will be mentored by Bournemouth University and supported in their cancer understanding through a clinical nurse specialist. The community researchers will be leading discussions and arts-based workshops with trans+ people who have cancer service experiences and will support them through the process of generating solutions that would address challenges that they faced.

The community researchers will then refine the solutions with service providers and commissioners in the NHS and voluntary sector to create actionable goals for change within cancer care and support services.

If you are a Trans+ adult and would like to get involved in the project, access the page here.

Sign up now to the Nutrition Academy quarterly e-newsletter. You will receive the latest research, news and expert views on diet's crucial impact on lipid management and cardiovascular health.

Subscribe to stay informed and stay ahead with the leading experts in cholesterol management. You can unsubscribe anytime.

Hampshire County Council are working to improve the stop smoking services for people who live and work across Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight.

They have developed two anonymous surveys for you to kindly fill out. Your feedback is very important, please share your workplace views and experiences on accessing and delivering stop smoking services in your area.

Responses will be reviewed to learn more about how people use our services and to improve future delivery models. Your responses will be kept anonymous, and each survey takes approximately 5 minutes to submit:

Survey 1: For community and healthcare professionals
A stakeholder survey for community and healthcare providers to share their workplace and service delivery experiences.

Survey 2: For general public
A public survey for residents and patients to share their personal quitting and stop smoking support experiences. 

If you could share the relevant surveys with any staff or patient groups that you work with, or if you have used the quit services for yourself, we would welcome your feedback across both surveys.

The closing date is the 30th of September 2024.

If you require further information or local support on becoming smokefree please visit: Smokefree Hampshire OR call 01264 563039 / 0800 772 3649. Alternatively, text “Quit” to 66777. 

Digital inclusion is a critical issue, as access to technology and the internet has become essential for participation in our modern society. However, many people still face barriers to getting online and fully engaging in the digital world.
To better understand these barriers, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Partnership has launched the Understanding Barriers to Digital Inclusion Survey. This survey will gather insights from the local population across HIOW on the challenges they face in accessing and using digital technologies. This digital inclusion survey follows earlier work, like the NHS App survey. 

Please share onwards with your audiences as their responses will help HIOW ICP identify the most pressing needs and inform efforts to improve digital inclusion in our area. 
The survey will run until 30 September 2024.

Complete the survey here.

Any queries contact: hiowicb-hsi.partnership@nhs.net

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