Insight on our local population, including data, can help us identify the needs of our population in Hampshire and Isle of Wight. There are many sources of insight available, many of which can be accessed online. Below are some examples of sources of insight that can help you with your work.
Integrated Care Boards, including NHS Providers, have a statutory duty to reducing inequalities in relation to access, outcomes, and experience. The Health Inequalities Core Data set was developed by NHS England to support the NHS in fulfilling this function. Good quality and robust data, enables the NHS to understand more about the populations we serve and to identify groups that are at risk of poor access, experience and outcomes.
The Core Data Set supports encouraging better quality data, completeness and can support the NHS in shaping and monitoring improvement activity to reduce healthcare inequalities. The Core Data Set is not mandated but is there to support the NHS in meeting its duty.
South Central & West CSU have pulled the data from across the 27 national dashboards into one dashboard for the NHS in HIOW. The dashboard is hosted on the CSU Insights Portal. Note: you may need to request access from the CSU.
A presentation explaining more about the Core Data Set is available here
A user guide is available here
A demonstration video of the tool is available here
BeeWell provides data on the wellbeing of young people in the UK and is delivered in partnership with secondary schools. It includes data on Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton, including a neighbourhood dashboard. Access the data here.
Fingertips profiles provide a source of indicators across a range of health and wellbeing themes. Profiles can be reviewed at different geographical levels with data organised into themed profiles. Access the data here.
The HIOW population health analytics service develops and manages the HIOW population health management platform. This provides a linked data set of primary and secondary care data and analytical tools to enable system-wide adoption and implementation of a population health approach.
The platform has five interactive dashboards which can be used to analyse and understand the needs of the population and identify those most at risk of ill-heath to enable targeted interventions and actions to improve outcomes and patient-centred care.
The platform also provides a self-service tool which allows users to carry out their own analysis of data held in the platform to better understand population needs and identify cohorts of patients for targeted interventions.
The service supports identified priority programmes through specific analysis of population health data. It also produces a range of useful population overviews at whole system and place level.
The team works collaboratively with system partners to develop further functionality and analytics within the population health platform to support priority transformation programmes and initiatives.
They provide training and support for platform users and work to encourage further adoption of the platform by clinicians, analysts, commissioners and system partners.
To find out more visit the population health analytic service FutureNHS site.
Jon Rumsey in HIOW ICB has produced a number of Population Health dashboards for Hampshire and Isle of Wight covering a wide range of topics and areas, including NHS and the social determinants of health. Access the data here.
The Health Inequalities Improvement Dashboard measures, monitors and informs actionable insight to make improvements to narrow health inequalities. The process for dashboard access can be found on NHS Futures.
Via NHS England Applications there is a Population and Person Insight (PaPi) dashboard which includes Hampshire and Isle of Wight across a range of insights on population groups, their health acuity and their associated use and outcomes. Details on how to register to access this dashboard can be found on NHS Futures.
This tool provides an estimate of the percentage of a local authority population with low health literacy and numeracy or with just low health literacy. It draws on the most recent national survey of literacy and numeracy in England (the 2011 Skills for Life Survey) with a population update based on the 2021 Census and the 2019 Index of Deprivation. For further information email
Access the data here.
The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) have produced a data pack for Hampshire and Isle of Wight on Inclusion Health Groups, covering Homelessness and Rought Sleeping, Gypsy, Roma, Travellers, Sex Workers, Vulnerable Migrants, Victims of Modern Slavery, Prison and those in contact with the Criminal Justice System and People with drug and alcohol dependence. Access the data here.
The Institute for Health Equity have produced a report on England’s Widening Health Gap. Their report is accompanied by data on inequality in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy by local authority, pulled from Fingertips data. Access the data here.
Each of our upper tier local authorities produce Joint Strategic Needs Assessments. These are regularly updated and contain data which includes neighbourhood level profiles.
Hampshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Isle of Wight Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
This local authority dashboard brings together data and insights on the state of health and health inequalities across all local authorities in England. Explore how our health is shaped by factors such as housing, employment and income, and explore differences between neighbourhoods in each local authority. Access the data here.
The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) have produced a Local Inequalities Explorer Tool which includes data on local and within area inequalities. Access the data here.
Shape is an online, interactive, data mapping and analysis insight tool that supports service planning and estates strategy development. Access the data here.