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Home is at the heart of inclusion health: here's why - The Kings Fund
Reducing healthcare inequalities for those in contact with the criminal justice system - NHS England
Inclusion Health Framework - NHS England
Prevention into Action Research Report - Homeless Link
The effectiveness of psychological interventions for people experiencing homelessness: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The unhealthy state of homelessness 2022 - Homeless Link, Homelessness Health Needs Audit
Autism and Homelessness Toolkit - Homeless Link
Core Intercultural Concepts and Principles for those working with asylum seekers and migrants - Nafsiyat, NIHR, Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex
Language Guide - Hampshire County Council
Recruiting people with experience of homelessness toolkit - NHS Employers
Refugee and asylum seeker health resource - British Medical Association
Entitlements to NHS services for migrants in England - UK Health Security Agency