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We are pleased to announce the appointment of voluntary care sector organisations Impact Initiatives and People Matter IW (in partnership with Autism Inclusion Matters), who will be supporting HIOW ICS with the rollout of Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training. 

HIOW ICS have done an amazing job rolling-out the Oliver McGowan e-learning, over 30,000 people have completed the module so far, over halfway there!

We are now focussing on the roll-out of the Tier 1 live interactive webinar and our new delivery partners, Impact Initiatives and People Matter IW, will be supporting us. 

Plans to roll out the Tier 2 live interactive session will be formalised once the code of practice is published following the consultation in September 2023.

Keep your eyes open for more Oliver McGowan news.

The CQC are monitoring the NHS and other regulated Providers and assessing how they are supporting the roll-out of the new mandatory training requirement. If you are approached by the CQC about Oliver McGowan and you have been unable to complete all your training yet as you haven’t been able to book a slot. Please don't worry, let them know you are waiting for training to become available, and advise them of the plan above. 

Remember, if you are a clinician, the Tier 2 Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training will only cover some of the capabilities you may need in your role. You and your employer need to determine any further capabilities you need during supervision, and/or appraisal.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System is proud to support the Oliver McGowan Campaign by promoting the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Autism and Learning Disability for all our workforce, with the aim of improving how we care for people with a learning disability and autistic people. This training has been completed and evaluated by over 8,000 people.

Oliver McGowan died whilst in the care of the NHS, his death was ruled preventable, and his parents have been campaigning to make changes to the Health and Care Act to make sure everyone working in health and care has training to help them understand the needs of people with a learning disability and autistic people. From July 2022 it became a statutory requirement for all people working in CQC regulated services, to receive training to improve the experience and outcomes for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

Research has shown that on average, people with a learning disability and autistic people die earlier than the general public, and do not receive the same quality of care as people without a learning disability or who are not autistic.

We believe the Oliver McGowan training can bring about fundamental change in experience and outcomes for people with a learning disability and autistic people, when using health and care services.

Oliver_McGowan.pngWe are asking all our people, regardless of job role, to complete the Oliver McGowan e-Learning Module, which will be available on your organisations learning management system soon. The e-Learning is also available on the eLearning for Health platform but if you choose this method of completing the eLearning, please remember to send the certificate to your organisation’s education team as a record of your training, otherwise you may be asked to complete it again.

The Oliver McGowan Training is mandatory training for health and care workforce, and has two tiers: Tier 1 includes an eLearning module and a live webinar. Tier 2 includes the same eLearning module and a face-to-face seminar. These will be live and interactive, and delivered by a training trio consisting of a person with a learning disability, an autistic person, and a facilitator. Find out more about the training tiers on Health Education England's website.

If it has been some time since you completed the e-learning, please read through the bridging document which summarises the e-learning content before attending the webinar:

The content has been developed with reference to tier 1 and tier 2 capabilities embedded within the Core Capabilities Framework for Supporting People with a Learning Disability and the Core Capabilities Framework for Supporting Autistic People. Tier 1 of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training will cover all the tier 1 capabilities outlined in the frameworks. Tier 2 of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training will cover some but not all the capabilities outlined in the frameworks, therefore it is the responsibility of employers to determine any further capabilities their staff need and to put in place the appropriate provisions.

This insightful short film based on real-life experiences of people with a learning disability, explores their experience of accessing primary care services, and annual health checks in particular:

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System is committed to tackling inequalities in health and care across all our communities. If you find any elements of this training upsetting or disturbing, please contact your line manager or the wellbeing champions in your organisation.

Feedback from colleagues who have completed the Oliver McGowan training:

"Amazing training much better learning from videos, so sad, so informative, makes you think."

"It was a brilliant training. Definitely needed tissues. So very sad. Let's hope lessons have been learned so this never happens again.”

"Did mine the other day. Very sad story. Certainly know more since doing this module than I thought I knew!"

"It's a need to do online course and really does hit home how wrong things can go, always listen to the patient wishes."

"It is exceptionally powerful and emotive training."

"It's brilliant training - so sad but really emotive. And agree it's the best online training I've seen. Be aware you can't just read the transcripts you do need to open up all the videos."

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