Here you will find a collection of training and webinars to help support you and your work. 

Check back regularly as we update the page with new content.

Core20PLUS5 e-learning - Health Education England

Five e-learning modules have been launched to support systems in the implementation of Core2PLUS5. The e-learning modules cover narrowing health inequalities in hypertension, early cancer diagnosis, chronic respiratory disease, maternity and severe mental illness. The modules are aimed at anyone with a responsibility or interest in reducing health inequalities, especially those working to deliver services in the five clinical priority areas. Each module takes around 30 minutes to complete.

Fireside chat on tackling women's health inequalities - NHS Confederation

On 22nd July the Health and Care Women Leaders Network held its fourth fireside chat with Professor Bola Owolabi discussing women's health inequalities.

Health Equity Assessment Tool Programme - NHS England

Public Health England has produced a Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT) to enable professionals to systematically identify and address health inequalities and equity in their work programmes or services. This e-learning supports the use of the tool, providing the context and purpose, outlining the benefits of using the tool, and taking the learner step-by-step through each stage of the tool. It also provides a general introduction to health inequalities and equity, as well as, examples of good practice.

Health Inequalities Programme - NHS England

The health inequalities programme is designed to help healthcare professionals to:

  • Understand the importance of health inequalities in clinical practice
  • Recognise the causes of health inequalities in services, experience, or outcomes among patients
  • Reflect on the role of the healthcare professional in narrowing the gap on health inequalities
  • Apply quality improvement methodology to tackle health inequalities in their field

How to talk about the building blocks of health: a new toolkit for public health communicators - The Health Foundation

A webinar from The Health Foundation on how to talk about the building blocks of health. If we want to change the way that the public understands health inequalities and to change policy, we need to change how we communicate about the factors that influence health.

Manchester Measuring Inequalities Toolkit

This online course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of inequality measurements. Throughout the seven-section programme, participants can explore various topics related to inequality measures, ranging from fundamental concepts to advanced measurements.

Reducing health inequalities in cancer - East of England Cancer Alliances

Comprehensive cancer health equity programme. Online modular content and webinars to emebd learning and hear people's lived experience. 

Reducing women's health inequalities in the most-deprived areas - The Kings Fund

After decades of gender health inequality, the much-anticipated Women’s Health Strategy is an opportunity to improve the lives of all women, but especially those in lower socio-economic areas.

During this webinar, an expert panel discussed the challenges to improving women’s health in the most-deprived areas of England and explored what needs to happen on the ground to narrow the health inequalities gap and improve diagnosis, early interventions, and treatment for women. The event looked at learning from successful case studies and how this could be applied across different pathways.

Working with people and communities to improve health outcomes - Future Learn

Learn how to engage with different people and communities to reduce inequalities and ensure inclusive access to healthcare.

Effective Therapeutic Support for Asylum Seekers - Solace Surviving Exile and Persecution

Module 1: The Champions Model
Module 2: Psychological Issues to consider when working therapeutically with Asylum Seekers
Module 3: Therapeutic practice in action
Module 4: Pain
Module 5: Sleep
Module 6: Diversity and transcultural practice
Module 7: Working with Interpreters
Module 8: Mental Health Care for Asylum Seekers in the NHS
Module 9: Effective therapeutic practice with asylum seekers for all

Focus on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people - NHS South East Clinical Delivery Networks

This session has a specific focus on the health needs of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people. Policy leads from the charity Friends, Families and Travellers, describe some of the health and social inequality issues faced by the community. The Office of National Statistics share qualitative research on Gypsy and Travellers in England and Wales 2022: Lived experiences. There is a focused update, from colleagues in UKHSA, on measles, and an insightful presentation from leads in Kent County Council, on the findings of a Health Needs Assessment.

Focus on migrant health - NHS South East Clinical Delivery Networks

This session of our webinar series focused on the health of asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants. This session aims to provide support to both practitioners – in offering practical solutions, and commissioners – in helping them to develop sustainable services.

Focus on sex workers - NHS South East Clinical Delivery Networks

We know that all inclusion health groups, but particularly sex workers experience: discrimination and stigma, violence and the experience of trauma, poverty and invisibility in health data sets. This results in: insecure and inadequate housing, very poor access healthcare services due to service design, poor experience of public service and poorer health than people in other socially disadvantaged groups. This session aims to improve colleagues' knowledge and understanding, with the hope that any learning is incorporated into organisations policies and practices.

Homeless Health E-Learning - Transformation Partners in Health and Care

A training package for GP receptionists and practice managers to improve the care and experience of people who are experiencing homelessness.

National framework on NHS action on inclusion health - NHS South East Clinical Delivery and Networks

This webinar is aimed as senior NHS and ICS system leaders; system managers and commissioners with responsibility for health inequalities and inclusion; as well as those with a professional interest in inclusion health. It sets out the case for a system-wide approach to tackling inclusion health, drawing on the principles of the framework; highlighting the complexities of the health landscape and suggesting ways which framework can be used by systems to provide a better service response and improve outcomes.

Supporting people experiencing homelessness in an accident and emergency setting - Fairhealth

This course provides an overview of the challenges which can present when people experiencing homelessness attend an Accident & Emergency setting, including issues of self-discharge, the safeguarding framework around self-neglect, and mental capacity.

Understanding Refugee and Asylum Seeker Mental Health - Solace Surviving Exile and Persecution

Module 1: The Global and UK Context of Refugees
Module 2: The Refugee Experience
Module 3: Refugee and Asylum Seekers Mental Health & Wellbeing
Module 4: Supporting the Health & Wellbeing of Asylum Seekers
Module 5: When Professional Therapeutic Support May be Needed
Module 6: Special Issues for Consideration

E-Learning - Personalised Care Institue

Short 30 minute modules designed to introduce you to a range of personalised care curriculum topics and some deeper dive courses containing serveral modules.

All Our Health: Social Prescribing

This is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of social prescribing - including key evidence, data and signposts to trusted resources to help prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing.

Building resilience: making the economic case for prevention - The Health Foundation

This webinar demonstrated why we have to prioritise prevention in policymaking and outlined the future consequences of not acting now.  

Health Check Training Hub - NHS England

Bringing together existing free e-learning and other useful resources relevant to the NHS Health Check. 

How to ensure Integrated Care Systems focus on prevention? - Social Care Institute for Excellence

Sharing insights into the barriers and enablers for ICS partners to prioritise preventitive services to help people stay healthy and moderate the demand on services. 

Tackling Cholesterol Together - Heart UK

A range of modules that cover topics including lipid management and statin intolerance pathways, interpreting lipid results and identifiying Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH).

Wessex Cancer Alliance Training and Development

This page signposts you to reputable education providers and training and development opportunities for the cancer workforce as well as helpful resources. All access is open and free unless otherwise specified.

LGBTQI+ populations cancer screening pathway (Session 1) - Wessex Cancer Alliance

This webinar is Part One of a two-webinar programme, covering non-clinical aspects of LGBTIQ+ affirmative patient management. It is designed as an introduction to key concepts in supporting LGBTIQ+ patients including: 

  • LGBTIQ+ language and terminology
  • Pronouns and inclusive language
  • Barriers to equitable care
  • Patient data and management
  • Building inclusive environments

LGBTQI+ populations cancer screening pathway (Session 2) - Wessex Cancer Alliance

This webinar is Part Two of a two-webinar programme, covering clinical aspects of supporting LGBTIQ+ patients in cancer care and screening. It explores barriers experienced by LGBTIQ+ patients, suggests ways to address these, and discusses how the LGBTIQ+ cancer patient experience may differ, including: 

  • Supporting screening for LGBTIQ+ patients
  • Prevention and risk
  • Addressing non-attendance and overcoming systemic barriers 
  • Delivering person-centred care for LGBTIQ+ patients
  • LGBTIQ+ palliative care considerations

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