Welcome to the Hampshire & Isle of Wight ICB Respiratory home page for Healthcare Professionals. Here you will find information and resources on Respiratory topics to help you optimise patients’ treatment.  

Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO)

Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) - for the diagnosis and management of Asthma (Health Innovation Wessex) 


For the latest guidelines, training providers and for more information about accreditation visit here or call 01543 442 141

Paediatric Spirometry Mentoring available across Hampshire and Isle of Wight 

Patient Peak Flow Diary Record

Patient Peak Flow Diary Record (which can be tailored for use with your patients) 

Asthma Friendly Schools Initiative

The Asthma Friendly Schools Aware is open to all schools across Hampshire & Isle of Wight. This initiative aims to improve the safety of children with asthma at school. It may also lead to improved attendance and the child meeting their academic potential and improved quality of life. Teachers and support staff will also feel more confident to support children with asthma in their care. Schools will need to undertake asthma training and have policy and procedures in place to gain the award. Schools will be awarded a certificate, logo for their website and letter to be sent to students and parents/carers to explain the Asthma Friendly School status. Visit site here.

Diagnosing Asthma in Children 

Visit site here

Healthier Together Resource 

Healthier Together is a resource (webpage and app) for parents, guardians, and healthcare professionals on child health.

For Clinician information visit site here 

For Patient information visit site here 

Paediatric Asthma Plans for Hampshire & IOW (select from the below to access the plans)

SRT Turbohaler 

Regular Inhaled Corticosteroids plus as needed Salbutamol reliever

MART Symbicort MDI

MART Symbicort Turbohaler or Duoresp Spiromax

Paediatric Innovation, Education and Research Network (PIER)


HIOW ICS Respiratory Digital WhatsApp Peer Support Group

There is a HIOW ICS respiratory digital WhatsApp peer support group, for the following:

  • For clinicians supporting people with respiratory conditions including asthma and COPD, e.g. nurse, pharmacist, GP, Physicians Associate
  • For those interested in learning from each other, sharing information and case studies to enhance your clinical care
  • Do you want to network with other colleagues with a respiratory interest in Wessex?

If YES, please consider joining our friendly and professional HIOW Respiratory Peer Support Group by contacting emma.ray@uhs.nhs.net, or maria.eurton@nhs.net including your mobile number to join and receive the list of user guidelines.


HIOW ICS Respiratory Clinical Network

There is a HIOW ICS respiratory clinical network which meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month from 12:30-13:30, and is relevant for the following:

  • For clinicians supporting people with respiratory conditions including acute, community and primary care services
  • For those interested in learning from each other, getting national updates and ICB updates on the latest guidance
  • For those who want to network with other colleagues with a respiratory interest in Hampshire and Isle of Wight?

If YES, please contact natalie.gall2@nhs.net, to be added to the meeting invites and the respiratory distribution list.


Hampshire and Isle of Wight CYP Asthma Network

There is a HIOW ICS Children and Young Person’s asthma network which is relevant for the following:

  • For clinicians supporting Children and Young People with asthma including acute, community and primary care services, local council, public health, education sector, and voluntary sector organisations
  • For those interested in learning from each other, getting national updates and ICB updates on the latest guidance
  • For those who want to network with other colleagues with a CYP asthma interest in Hampshire and Isle of Wight

If YES, please contact Emma Ray emma.ray@uhs.nhs.uk, to find out more and be added to the meeting invites


NHS Hampshire and Isle Of Wight Medicines Optimisation Respiratory Group

There is a HIOW group focussing on supporting colleagues with medicines optimisation with respiratory conditions for the following:-

  • For healthcare professionals with an interest or specialism in respiratory medicine.
  • For pharmacists and nurses from primary care, secondary care, community pharmacy and the ICB medicines optimisation team from across Hampshire and Isle of Wight.
  • We meet bi-monthly via MS Teams, with a focus on respiratory medicines optimisation and reducing the carbon impact of inhalers particularly in primary care settings but working across all sectors.

If you are interested in finding out more, or would like to join us, please contact Rachel.howard28@nhs.nhet.


Basingstoke Respiratory Nurse Forum

Network Lead: Fiona Dalton

Composition: Multi-disciplinary Focus: Respiratory group focusing specifically on respiratory issues

A vibrant group of mostly Practice nurses, although anyone with a respiratory interest is welcome. We have good links and support from specialist secondary care Respiratory nurses and Physiotherapists who regularly attend. Members come from a wide area of North Hampshire


Southampton City Airways Forum

Network Committee: Emma Ray, Kate Gillett, Kate Lippiett, Maria Eurton and Nikki James

Composition: Multi-disciplinary Focus: Respiratory group focusing specifically on respiratory issues

We welcome all healthcare professionals with an interest in Respiratory. We believe that by learning together we have an opportunity to share best practice, support each other and build multi-disciplinary networks. We encourage anyone who wishes to gain experience in Chairing a meeting or sharing outcomes of work they are involved in to do so in this friendly environment.  The group have quarterly face-to-face education meetings based in Southampton.Contact details: sotonairwaysforum@outlook.com / X/twitter @SotonCityAirway


South Hampshire Respiratory Journal Club

Network Lead: Kerry Woodward

Composition: Multi-disciplinary Focus: Respiratory group focusing specifically on respiratory issues

This group welcomes all healthcare professionals with an interest in respiratory within all areas of healthcare. Regular attendees include practice nurses, respiratory nurse specialists, respiratory physiotherapists, pharmacists & GPs. We meet 4 times a year and are supported by a variety of pharma companies who help by funding the venue and refreshments. We ask attendees to choose topics to cover or be discussed and we encourage sharing of best practice at the meetings. Anyone keen to develop their presentation skills are invited to share topics relevant to their expertise and knowledge in a friendly and supportive environment

Find a local peer support network here


HIOW ICS Primary Care Respiratory Champions (PCRC) Network

There is a HIOW ICS Primary Care Respiratory Champions network who will be meeting monthly via TEAMS.

The aim of the PCRC network is to improve networking across HIOW ICS for healthcare professionals in Primary care. As part of this, there will be a monthly meeting with anonymised case studies and having an opportunities to discuss successes, challenges and troubleshooting current respiratory practice.

To join the PCRC network, please contact Maria Eurton at: hiowicb-hsi.respiratorychampions@nhs.net


Further infomation

Asthma & Lung UK, Pulmonary Rehab information

Online Pulmonary Rehab service for HIOW ICB

We are pleased to announce that there is a NEW Regional Online Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service starting on the 4th June 2024. This will provide a lunchtime and early evening online 6 week Pulmonary Rehabilitation programme to ANY patient with confirmed chronic lung disease from Hampshire, Southampton, Portsmouth and IOW who is limited by breathlessness. 

The team will be running the exercise component of the programme on Tuesday and Thursdays at 12:30-1:30 / 5-6pm. Education will be provided by weekly webinar on Wednesdays at 5-6pm – all patients enrolled will be invited to attend 2 core education sessions, with a 3rd session specific to their lung condition.

  • Session 1 Core education: How the lungs work. Breathing techniques. Pacing and priorities. Managing anxiety and breathlessness.  
  • Session 2 Core education: Benefits of exercise. Nutrition. Saving you energy - home adaptations, support and benefits.
  • Session 3 Disease specific education: What is their condition, recognising and managing a flare-up and medications.

Please continue to refer as per your usual procedure to your local pulmonary rehabilitation service, who will complete the initial pre-assessment and signpost appropriate patients to the online programme.

Poster for referrers 

Referral Form 

Please use the generic Pulmonary Rehab Referral Form to refer patients to your local pulmonary rehab service:


Isle of Wight service information (to follow)


SHFT service information

SHFT Pulmonary Rehab Patient Leaflet


Southampton City Pulmonary Rehabilitation Leaflet

Solent East (Portsmouth,Fareham, North & South East Hants) service information

  1. The traditional Pulmonary Rehab 6 week programme leaflet
  2. Brief Lung Exercise and Education Programme (BLEEP) leaflet that we’re running as a pilot until December 2024 offering a one-off intervention for those who can’t commit to the traditional 6 -week course.

We also have a Community Exercise Options (Solent East specific):

If you would like to be on our mailing list and received updated community exercise options every 6 months to offer your patients with respiratory conditions, please email: pulmonary-rehabports@solent.nhs.uk 

Pulmonary Rehab Patient Leaflet


Solent West (Southampton) service information

Pulmonary Rehab Patient Leaflet


Support Groups

Isle of Wight Support Groups

Please use the links below to access content 

  • Asthma and Lung UK - patient exercise videos are now available via their website. The patient exercise handbook can be found here. You can also access the handbook by using the QR code below; 

Asthma & Lung Exercises.png

Clean Air Resources for patients

Global Action Plan have developed the resources below for clinicians who attended the recent Southampton Clean Air Champion training. These new air pollution resources for patients were tailored for Southampton patients following a co-design workshop with local clinicians in January this year.

The easy print versions have both A5 sides on one A4 page, to make it easier to print yourself.

Please find direct URL links below. From here, you can download all the resources as a PDF.

NHS Tobacco Dependency Programme

  • The Government as an ambition for England to become smokefree by 2030, defined as adult smoking prevalence of 5% or less. For further details and information about goals and targets and about the support that can be offered please click here 





Please note - For any queries on the use of the below tools and templates, please contact Maria Eurton at: hiowicb-hsi.respiratorychampions@nhs.net



As an ICB, we are now advocating use of risk stratification to invite patients for their COPD annual review. Higher risk patients should be prioritised for COPD annual review.

The below search tool was developed by NHS England and Ardens to identify rising risk patients, based on evidence of the biggest predictors of exacerbation.

While the search tool is being tested as part of a pilot, they are available to any Ardens user who wishes to use and test them and are also available to download (see email attachments) and on NHS Futures here: Ardens Search Tool and Templates - NHS @home - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform

Please note that if you use the downloadable version on this page or on NHS Futures, updates will not be automatic – you will need to manually download the new versions and replace the old.


Post COPD exacerbation (SCOPES) Template available for EMIS Web

The Post COPD exacerbation template was created by the Act on COPD Forum. It is a tool to prompt COPD exacerbation prevention, help reduce future risk and optimise COPD outcomes. The review should be arranged when the patient is clinically stable (e.g. 4-6 weeks after onset of exacerbation).

This template includes elements of COPD QOF to ensure this information is captured.

The new SCOPES template includes elements of: Smoking cessation, Co-morbidities and vaccinations, Optimisation, Pulmonary rehabilitation referral, Exacerbation history and eosinophils and Self management.

You can download the Post COPD SCOPES exacerbation template for EMIS Web here: COPD - Hampshire and Isle of wight ICB - PCN workspace - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform

A guide on how to import EMIS searches & templates can be found here: EMIS Web - Importing and exporting searches and reports in EMIS Web



Post COPD exacerbation (SCOPES) Template available for SystmOne

The SCOPES template for SystmOne is currently in development (expected by March 2025). It will be available to download via NHS Futures here: COPD - Hampshire and Isle of wight ICB - PCN workspace - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform

A guide on how to import searches and templates to SystmOne can be found herehttps://www.hantsiow.icb.nhs.uk/download_file/view/4476/1007



Risk stratification searches based on SABA & OCS are currently in development (expected by March 2025)

A post exacerbation of asthma review (PEAR) template is in development (expected by April 2025)

These will be available to download via NHS Futures here: Asthma - Hampshire and Isle of wight ICB - PCN workspace - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform

Asthma Patients

LUNG-Tech Research Trial for suspected Asthma Patients

Do you think your patient may have asthma?

If they:

· Are ≥17 years of age

· Have ≥1 symptom suggestive of asthma including cough, wheeze, chest tightness or breathlessness and you have a high clinical suspicion

· Have not yet started on inhaled corticosteroid treatment or commenced it within the last 12-months

· Have no other known respiratory or cardiac disease

They may wish to take part in the LUNG-Tech study (A Trial Evaluating Novel Technologies for the Diagnosis of Asthma).

Please see attached a GP referral form & patient participation information sheet regarding the Asthma LUNGtech Research TrialThe study is currently running (with no end date yet).  It is open to any patient, meeting the criteria above, who lives in HIOW ICB if they are able and willing to travel to Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.


Breathing Pattern Disorders 

Breathing Pattern Disorders (BPD) is a common problem.  Find out more about breathing pattern disorders, how to assess your patient and how you can help them, here


Other Resources

PCRS Fit to Care

Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) has developed a document called Fit to Care which provides concise information based on three different levels of "standard", "advanced" and "expert" to help:

  • Guide healthcare professionals to facilitate and deliver high quality respiratory care in line with national evidenc-based guidance
  • Aid healthcare professionals to assess their own competence to deliver such care and to identify/seek appropriate training and ongoing professional development
  • Support all healthcare professionals to be accountable and trained to provide such care to a given standard, thereby reducing variation in care anmd ensuring patients can expect to receive high quality evidence based respiratory care irrespective of who is delivering such care or where in the community that care is provided
  • Provide a reference for service managers to ensure the provision of appropriate educational support programmes for employed healthcare professionals

Asthma + Lung Peak Flow Variability CalculatorPeak flow variability calculator | Asthma + Lung UK

Our Vision (image).png

Our Vision - Good health & proactive care for adults living with, or, at risk of respiratory conditions


  • Prevent as many people from developing lung conditions as possible.
  • Ensure Early and Accurate Diagnosis of lung conditions.
  • Ensure people living with lung conditions receive the best treatments using the latest clinical evidence.
  • Work with the public, and across organisations, to reduce health inequalities in respiratory outcomes, and ensure people experiencing breathlessness get the care they need.
  • Improve the quality of life for people living with lung conditions, helping them live longer and empower them to self-manage their condition
  • Minimise the environmental impact of our medications by reducing the carbon footprint of our inhalers

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