The Care and Health Information Exchange (CHIE) is a secure shared care record platform which shares health and social care information across a range of organisations. CHIE helps professionals across Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and surrounding areas provide safer and faster treatment for you and your family by:

  • Ensuring that you only have to tell your story once
  • Reducing delays to your treatment. For example, by reducing the need to repeat blood tests
  • Making sure the doctors, nurses and others involved in your care know about your medical history

CHIE contains health and social care information from over 150 GP surgeries in and around Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, as well as local hospitals, community health, mental health and social care teams in order to help coordinate and improve your care.

A Shared Care Record is a key component of NHS Englands ”Data Saves Lives” strategy and “What good looks like” Transformation framework. CHIE is an essential pan-HIOW system and allows fast access to real time health and social care information for the purposes of direct care across multi-disciplinary teams and is central to ICP digital and transformation strategies.  

"Sharing information is vital to how an ICP functions and the Shared Care Record provides this foundation.  We will continue to develop CHIE to increase the breadth and depth of information shared and enable better sharing of citizen information across the ICP (and beyond)."

When you receive treatment and care, for example from your local GP or hospital, the doctors and nurses record the treatment you have received on their organisation’s computer system. Normally, those systems can only be accessed by other doctors and nurses in the same organisation. This means that if you are seen in another organisation, for example in an Accident and Emergency department of your local hospital, then they may not be able to see your full medical history or interactions with other organisations currently involved in your health and care (eg Community and Mental Health services or Social Care and medications prescribed across all organisations). To help with this, CHIE takes a summary of this information from these organisations and allows users to see your history securely when they need to treat you, regardless of the organisation that they work for.

Most organisations send information about you to CHIE and also have users – doctors, nurses, social care etc. – that view this information if they need to find out more about your medical history.

Some organisations don’t send any information to CHIE, but can look at your medical history if you are ill. These include, for example, ambulance services and out of hours GPs.

CHIE reduces, and in many cases, replaces the need for those involved in your care to make calls and send emails to other health and care providers to obtain information to support care.

There are many organisations using CHIE with varying levels of access based on clinical role.

The main providers of data to CHIE are;

  • All primary care practices in the Hampshire and Isle of Wight region
  • Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Formerly Solent, Southern Health and Isle of Wight) 
  • University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
  • Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
  • Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Isle of Wight NHS Trust
  • University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust
  • Practice Plus Group (Urgent Treatment Centres)
  • Local Authority Social Care Services including Southampton City Council and Hampshire County Council 

There are a vast array of organisations and services viewing CHIE data, these include (but not limited to);

  • South Central Ambulance Service
  • HIOW ICB services including: Continuing Health Care and  Community Well Being
  • Hospices including, Mountbatten, Oakhaven, and Naomi House
  • Local Care and Nursing Homes
  • Community pharmacies and dentists

Depending on your medical history, this could include information about illnesses, treatments, hospital attendances, medications and allergies from a variety of different organisations.  CHIE collates and presents this information as a single health record.

Information includes;

  • Personal contact details and registered GP practice
  • Allergies and adverse reactions
  • Encounters
  • Medications
  • Immunisations
  • Observations
  • Referrals
  • Problems and issues (Such as diagnosed conditions)
  • Results (Radiology and Pathology)
  • Clinical corresponance such as letters, discharge summaries, and care plans

The content of CHIE is guided by NHSE and the PRSB Core Information Standard.

Understand more about your information and your care.

CHIE is accessed by a variety of different types of health and care professionals from many different organisations. Depending on the type of job they do, these professionals are given access to certain categories of information on CHIE. For example, a hospital consultant would be able to see different information on your record compared to an administrative assistant.

CHIE keeps a full record (called an Audit Trail) of everyone that has accessed or looked at your record in the system. This Audit Trail is checked on a regular basis and any concerns about inappropriate access to a record are brought to the attention of the relevant manager for further investigation.

You have the right to object to having your data on CHIE, however as consent is not the legal basis for processing this data your objection may not be guaranteed. You should be aware, however, that the removal of your information from CHIE may make communication between people involved in your care more difficult and therefore impact the care you receive. 

Understand more about your information and your care.

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