You have the right to raise an objection to having your data on CHIE, however, as consent is not the legal basis for processing this data, your objection may not be guaranteed (refer to the “your Rights” section of our website). You should be aware that the removal of your information from CHIE may make communication between people involved in your care and the delivery of your care more difficult and therefore reduce the care you receive. For this reason, we encourage you not to object.
You can change your mind at any time.
If you wish to stop sharing your GP information with CHIE, please contact your GP practice and ask to be ‘opted out of CHIE’. This is also sometimes refered to as 'Opting out of local
Your practice will then apply certain codes to your record held on their GP system. These codes will prevent your GP record from being shared with CHIE.
You can change your mind at any time about sharing your information with CHIE.
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can arrange for your whole health and care record to be made unavailable on CHIE by contacting the CHIE team.
The CHIE Systems Team will add a code to your CHIE record, which will prevent you data from being displayed within the CHIE system.
You can change your mind at any time, simply contact the CHIE team.