As an IPC team we can support Adult Social Care colleagues with areas such as:

  • IPC annual audits 
  • Dissemination of relevant guidance and updates
  • Development of IPC resources 
  • IPC advice 
  • Facilitation of IC Lead forums specific to Adult Social Care held three times a year 
  • Outbreak management and support

You can find the contact details for the ICP leads in your area back on our main ICP page.

As of March 2023 the IPC team will no longer be providing a service at weekends and Bank holidays. This is due to a significant reduction in providers accessing the service and increased provider confidence related to IPC.

Links to useful national, local guidance and resources:

A summary of current guidnace:

  • Testing:  It is no longer recommended to test individual residents and staff for COVID -19 if they develop respiratory symptoms unless they are pre-eligible for COVID-19 treatments (they will have had a letter from the NHS telling them they are eligible).
  • Where an outbreak is suspected (2 or more linked resident cases within 14 days) test up to 5 symptomatic residents: 
    • Only the first 5 residents with symptoms of a respiratory infection will be asked to take an LFD test to identify if there is an outbreak of COVID-19. All other symptomatic residents should be isolated on symptoms alone.
    • Where none of the 5 residents with respiratory symptoms are covid positive please contact UKHSA regarding potential for a Flu outbreak
  • Isolation:
    • Symptomatic (symptoms of a respiratory infection and a high temperature or do not feel well enough work or carry out normal activities) staff and residents should isolate/staff off work
  • De-isolation of residents (and return to work for staff):
    • For those who tested covid positive – 5 days from covid test and should be apyrexial
    • For those who were isolated based on symptoms – deisolate once apyrexial and well
  • Ending outbreak measures:
    • All restrictions in the setting can be lifted when 5 days have passed with no new residents developing symptoms.

How do I get access to LFD and PCR tests at the weekend?

  • The ICB IPC team are unable to access LFD or PCR tests for providers. Please order new stock here.

How do we order tests if we don’t know our UON code?

What do we do if we are due to undertake outbreak testing, but have run out of tests or realised they are out of date?

  • Place an order for more tests as soon as you can and contact your IPC nurse or the IPC hotline on the next working day.  Please note:  Homes are no longer required to undertake Day 0, Day 4-7, recovery testing or test to return to work/de-isolate.  Please keep at least 5 LFD tests in stock at all times.

What do we do if our test results have come back as inconclusive?

  • PCR tests are no longer required inthe majority of circumstances, please discuss with the organisation who requested PCR tests.  

What do we do if we have identified new cases of COVID-19 amongst staff and/or residents?

What do we do if we have identified new cases of COVID-19 among staff and/or residents, but we don’t know if they are linked or not?

  • Declare an outbreak where there is definite transmission between cases; i.e. work in the same team, provided care to the resident, no community contact with a positive case.
  • Where there is no obvious link to cases do not test but continue to be vigilant for symptoms amongst staff and residents

If a staff member is covid positive but feels well, can they work?

  • Please see the national guidance on healthcare staff with symptoms or who are positive for COVID-19.

In the event you do require urgent IPC advice out of hours please contact:

  • UKHSA in hours - 03442253861 
  • UKHSA Out of Hours urgent enquiries - 0844 967 0082    (please note from 11 March 2024 the in hours number will be for both in and out of hours)

Please note the UKHSA out of hours duty team will not provide COVID-19 related outbreak support.

The Integrated Care Board provides an on-call manager for urgent matters. Please note the on-call manager may not be clinical and will be unlikely to have a background in IPC:

  • Isle of Wight - 0845 852 0013
  • North/Mid Hampshire - 0845 852 0018
  • South East Hampshire and Portsmouth City - 0845 852 0014
  • South West Hampshire and Southampton City - 0845 852 0016

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