Links to useful guidance issued by other organisations:
- FSRH Clinical Guideline Progestogen-only Injectables
- Hampshire Hospitals referral guidance, forms and useful information
- Healthier Together: 0-18 guidance
- HIN Wessex Acute Kidney Injury Guidelines 2015
- National Osteoporosis Guideline Group UK
- National Osteoporosis Society Guidelines: Vitamin D and Bone Health: a quick guide
- Pier Network: Guidelines & Tools
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Guidelines
- SPS drug monitoring guidance
- SPS prescribing by generic or brand name in primary care
- SPS example medicines to prescribe by brand name in primary care
- SPS the use of generic anti epileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy
- Wessex Asthma Guidelines
Most of the guidance covers the entirety of Hampshire and Isle of Wight, however some of it varies across specific locations. Please see the regional drop-down menus at the bottom for these variations.
- Anticoagulation for non-valvular AF - Prescribing Decision Aid
- Chronic Pain Prescribing Guidelines
- COPD Management and Prescribing Guidelines
- Pharmacotherapy for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in primary care
- Rimegepant prescribing for acute migraine treatment and prophylaxis
- Scabies management in children and adults