In Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, there are over 32,000 children and young people with a diagnosable mental health condition, over 156,000 people on our GPs’ depression registers and almost 17,000 people diagnosed with a serious mental health condition. The delivery of improved quality of and access to mental health services are a vital part of our 21st century model of care.
As soon as it is available, we will publish the mental health development plan that was produced in November 2019 and sets out a wide range of things that we will be working on in the future.
The Mental Health Delivery Plan details how we intend to provide:
- mental health support teams in schools, in targeted areas, to improve access to mental wellbeing support for children and young people;
- joined-up primary and community teams to enable people to seek and receive support earlier and as close to home as possible;
- an expansion of our all age 24/7 NHS 111 mental health triage services to enable people to access mental health support at the time when they need it;
- a continued expansion of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) to support people with long term conditions to manage their mental wellbeing;
- alternatives to crisis services for people to access in times of mental health distress;
- 24/7 access to crisis response and home treatment teams working to national best practice;
- effective 24/7 crisis care for children and young people, working to offer options to help people avoid admission to inpatient units, support discharges and receive intensive support at home;
- suicide prevention and bereavement support services;
- 24/7 psychiatric liaison services in our hospitals to support people with mental health needs in emergency departments and inpatient wards;
- the eradication of out of area adult acute placements and deliver an improved therapeutic approach in inpatient units;
- a more integrated approach across NHS and voluntary sector services to deliver services that are supported by the wide ranges of skills from these sectors;
- an extended time period that people can be supported for in our perinatal service and developing outreach clinics in line with local need;
- increased access to physical health checks for people with a severe mental illness with the aim of supporting a reduction in the 15-20 years mortality gap;
- a 0-25 mental health service to provide age-appropriate responses.