Experience the future of care management with Digital Social Care Records (DSCRs). DSCRs revolutionise how care information is recorded and accessed in social care settings.

Create tailored care plans for residents, storing essential details like medications, dietary needs, and preferences. DSCRs promote collaboration by securely sharing real-time data across the health and care sector.

Join the Digital Social Care Programme's mission to have more CQC-registered adult social care providers use DSCRs. Free up time for better care delivery and integrate with other remote care tools.

Choose from accredited DSCR solution providers on the NHS-approved Assured Supplier List, ensuring top-notch reliability and standards.

Unlock the potential of DSCRs and explore the Assured Supplier List here: Assured Supplier List for social care | Digital Social Care. Embrace a more efficient, person-centred future of care.


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Funding Now Closed

Thank you for your interest in the Digital Social Care Records funding programme.

The funding opportunity to support care providers in purchasing and implementing digital social care records is now closed.

If a new round of funding becomes available in the 2025/26 financial year, we will share further details here.

Digital social care records, also known as digital care plans, ensure Adult Social Care Providers have the most accurate, timely information at their fingertips to provide outstanding care. You can find more information about digital social care records here.

While this funding round has ended, if your organisation is considering switching from paper records to a digital social care record, we encourage you to explore NHS-approved suppliers for digital social care records, as the list is routinely updated with new providers.

Thank you for your commitment to improving care through digital innovation.

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