NHSmail is an email service offered by the National Health Service for lots of different health and social care businesses, such as care homes.  NHSmail accounts are very useful as they will allow you to securely get in contact with your local GP, District Nurses, resident’s families  and are a step to ordering prescription medication on behalf of residents in the care home.  If you want to request an NHS mail account for your care home there a few things to know:

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  • You get one shared NHSmail inbox for your home.  This means rather than having an email such as staffname@nhs.net your care home’s email address will be more generic.  This is useful because it means that any emails from GPs or District Nurses will not be missed if someone has gone off shift 
  • Up to 20 people within your care home can have access to the account

If you need support with NHSMail and you are a social care provider in the Hampshire area, Hampshire Care Association's Digital Champions may be able to help you.

Click here to contact them  

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