The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System (HIOW ICS) is a partnership of health, care and voluntary sector organisations working together to deliver better digital solutions that will change the way we deliver care.

Working together we are improving digital healthcare solutions to transform the way we deliver care for our patients and NHS staff. We want to empower the people of Hampshire and Isle of Wight to better manage their health and wellbeing online.

Digital changes to health will not replace interaction with your GP, nurse, or other health professional. It is about helping you to see the right person at the right time.

What is Digital Health?

Digital health is the use of digital tools and devices to improve health outcomes for patients as well as the operation and quality of healthcare services.

It covers a range of topics including the:

  • availability of national online services such as the NHS App and 111 online,
  • collection and use of information,
  • use of electronic systems for managing patient records, prescriptions, hospital appointments, etc,
  • introduction of remote monitoring devices for managing patients’ health at home, and
  • provision of patient-facing apps that help our population in self-managing their own health and wellbeing

Why is digital health so important?  

Digital technology is having an ever-increasing impact on the way we live our lives. Whether it’s socially connecting with family and friends, in the workplace or just managing the day-to-day tasks of daily living – digital is key and is transforming our lives.
This is also true in health and care. Digital health offers significant opportunities to transform the way we access and receive health care, providing opportunities to improve health outcomes for patients and supporting people in monitoring and manage their own health and wellbeing.

Digital Workforce Skills Programme

The Digital Workforce Programme is a workstream within the ICS digital transformation plan addressing issues surrounding digital transformation headings. Please visit this page to find out more.

Digital Team.PNG

What we do

Using digital technology to transform the way NHS services are delivered will be fundamental to achieving necessary change in the NHS and delivering the Integrated Care Board’s four key principles: improving health outcomes, tackling inequalities, enhancing productivity and value for money.

The role of the Digital, Data and Insights team is to have a clear vision of how successful digital transformation can transform delivery of services and to communicate that vision across the Integrated Care System.

Ownership and understanding of digital challenges and complexities is vital to set the right culture for embracing and embedding existing and future innovative technologies into how we deliver care.

The Digital, Data and Insights team is responsible for achieving constant levels of digital maturity across local organisations collaborating with local NHS and social care providers to ensure that systems, people and organisations can exchange information and share data and resources, including people with the right digital and data skills, and that these resources are managed and targeted appropriately.

We have been engaging with our communities and partners in the development of our future plans for digital health across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. We want to ensure that our plans benefit our local people, carers and staff, so that our digital services are available to everybody regardless of age, disability or household income. 

You can read our full NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Digital, Data and Technology Stretegy for 2025-2029 here.

Or alternately, you can also read and download this helpful summary.

Sharing data between healthcare services – always safely and securely – improves care and treatment, helps us plan and improve services, and supports research into new cures and treatments. 

We are working on several projects – notably shared patient records and helping IT systems work together – to make sure patients in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight benefit from effective data sharing to receive the best care possible.

We’ve also produced a range of communications material to explain to people the benefits of sharing their data, how this happens and how their information is kept confidential safe and secure. To find our more please visit the ‘sharing your information’ web pages.This includes a series of animations based on patient stories. 

How is your data kept safe?

It is essential that your confidential health information is kept safe and looked after in accordance with good practice and the law.

Every organisation that provides health and care services must ensure that all data is kept secure, and that privacy is protected by:

  • Removing details that identify a person whenever possible. It this is not possible there are strict controls on how personally identifiable data can be used and stored. It can only be accessed if you give permission, or where required by law when robust safeguards must be in place
  • Ensuring that the reason for using patient data is appropriate and it is clear why and how the data is being used
  • Not using data for marketing or insurance purposes (unless you request this)
  • Having strict legal contracts in place before data is transferred or accessed
  • Implementing robust IT security

All NHS organisations must provide information on the type of data they collect and how it’s used. Data release registers are published by NHS Digital and the Department of Health and Social Care, showing records of the data they have shared with other organisations.

More information is available at

View more specific information on how Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB use your data here.

Your GP surgery has probably told you there is now another way of booking an appointment with your doctor, a nurse or someone else from the surgery, right?

Since 2018, most GP surgeries across Hampshire and Isle of Wight have been offering an option for you go to their website and book an appointment or to get advice on a number of medical conditions. You may hear this option being referred to as ‘eConsult’ or ‘online consultation’.

Using this eConsult will save you time and effort. You can contact your GP at a time most convenient for you, as long as you’ve got a device that allows you to go on the internet.

On this page, you will find even more information about eConsult or online consultation.

What is eConsult (or online consultation)?
eConsult is a digital platform that enables patients to self-manage and consult online with their own GP through their practice website. eConsult provides the following features:

  • Alternative access for patients to consult with their GP
  • Better health outcomes through earlier detection of significant symptoms and earlier intervention
  • Better practice efficiency with more focused use of clinical capacity, shorter waiting times and fewer requests for GP appointments
  • Cost efficiency as fewer patients attend urgent care settings such as walk-in centres
  • A safe, convenient way for patients to self- manage or consult with their own GP

Is my information safe?
When you fill in an online form to consult with your doctor, your information is very safe. Only your own GP surgery will see the information. You can also keep all records of the online forms you have submitted.

How do I access eConsult?
Visit your GP practice website and click on the eConsult banner that says ‘Contact our doctors online’.

I don’t have access to the Internet?
Patients who do not have access to the internet are still able to contact the practice reception team over the phone.

What about the elderly?
Elderly patients who have access to the internet can use the service otherwise they can call the practice as usual on the practice telephone number.

What about my child/someone I am caring for?
Parents /Guardians are able to do an eConsult on behalf of their children aged 6 months and above. Carers/parents will receive a call back or an appointment to close off the eConsult.

But I need to be seen?
Your eConsult will be reviewed by a clinician and if you need to be seen you will be given an appointment.

I completed an eConsult and I was advised to contact the practice for an urgent appointment?
This happens when a patient reports symptoms that suggest they are too unwell for the eConsult system. Please follow your normal practice procedure for issuing out appointments.

I have an administrative request.
You can submit admin requests by visiting our website, go to the eConsult banner and select administrative requests.

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